Chapter 4

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"Mom," Sal screams from somewhere on the second floor

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"Mom," Sal screams from somewhere on the second floor. "Where is the..."

"Under the bathroom sink," she yells, not even needing him to finish his sentence.

"It's not..."

"To the left next to the aloe," she continues knowing her son probably better than she knows herself. I've noticed she knows all her kids like; they walk into the room and it's like she can read their minds. She knows their wants and needs long before they open their mouths and tell her.

"Found it," he cheers.

Isabella turns to me with a soft smile on her face as she sips her coffee. "22 years in the same house," she laughs at her son's expense.

"Do you have work today," I ask politely, trying to make conversation. I noticed she isn't wearing her scrubs and Francesca mentioned that only a few weeks ago she took a new job at a doctors office instead of a hospital. It offered more money with less hours which thrilled Francesca. She doesn't voice her concern about her parents finances but it is there constantly weighing on her.

"Sadly," she sighs, sounding so much like her daughter it brings a smile to my lips. "Only for a few hours but it is such a gorgeous day I dread spending it in the office."

I don't know what to say really but thankfully I am saved by Anthony all but tumbling down the stairs into the kitchen. "My sunglasses," he gasps.

Isabella points to the sunglasses on the kitchen table which Anthony sheepishly grabs before plopping in a seat next to me. "I swear I checked there," he defends while grabbing an orange slice from my plate.

"Stop," Fran scolds walking into the room from the backyard and aggressively slapping her brother in the face for stealing my food.

Anthony without hesitation grabs his sister's hair and yanks painfully. I flinch a little knowing I can't get involved in sibling quarrels but also uncomfortable watching Francesca be hurt. "Children," Isabella warns, peeking at them over her coffee.

"Yeah children," Joe mocks from the front door as he walks in with a brown bag tucked under his arm. "Also I brought fresh bagels."

"Our lord and savior," Sal exclaims, throwing an arm around his older brother's shoulders as the two walk into the kitchen together.

"I gave you life," Isabella grumbles.

"And he gave me bagels mom," Sal explains like bagels outweigh the value of his life. Actually given the way he is drooling over the bag Joe just placed on the counter he might.

Francesca scoots her chair closer to me and lays her head on my shoulder before plucking an orange slice off my plate for herself. Anthony shoots her a look but she just looks up at me and nibbles on it. I quickly kiss the tip of her nose which she scrunches up like a bunny in response.

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