27 : Yet again

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It's been a few days since our last exams, and our 2nd year lectures are about to begin after about 5 days

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It's been a few days since our last exams, and our 2nd year lectures are about to begin after about 5 days.

My heart has been in uneasiness ever since the day we had lunch at Avi's place. Even though I witnessed it myself that Haans was inching closer to realizing his feelings for me, I was also scared of this new interest he developed in another girl.

It was so new, and unusual to see him giving any other girl a second glance. Not because he was a stuck-up ass or something, but because he was just not interested.
But now he is, and my fears are combatting against my beliefs and what I witnessed.

Right now, just the knowledge that he's in love with me, isn't enough to fight against this fear.

I don't want to go through that again. The pain, dimming eyes, not so heartfelt laughter.
Just how long am I supposed to hold on, without crumbling?

I know he'll realize it someday, but just how far is that day?

And giving up on him is not an option, it'll never be an option.
How do you decide to give up on your soulmate, without even letting them know your feelings?

I could only pray that this year, I get to win.
My love gets to win.

We get to finally attain
Our Forever Utopia

" Ughhh..... The university is about to start again. I sometimes really wish that I was born in the stone age or something. No need to study, just hunt, eat, shit, and sleep. " Avi scowled.

" Of course you do. You show us how caveman you are, every day. " Ritz smirked.

" You know, I liked you better when you were quieter. " He grumbled at her.

" Oh, tell me about it. It's like the sexiness just vanishes in the air when that mouth of her's opens. " Viki said.

Ritz smirked wider now

" Woman, that wasn't a compliment. " Avi said

" I know. I've never been one for compliments. " Ritz sassed

" Mimi? " Piku called
I looked at her
" You are too quiet. It's never a good sign. " She frowned.

" It's nothing "
I dismissed it

" Dude, it's going to be okay. He'll come around soon enough. We all felt it during the last few months of last year, he's almost there. " Viki said

" Yeah, I know things look blurry right now, but we all know what he feels for you, and soon enough he'll realize it too. " Avi added.

" I just want this year to start with happiness. " I said in a small voice.

We all fell silent for a few seconds.

" Hey guys " Haans entered the backyard, where we all were sitting.

" I wanted to tell you guys something. " He said

Just then we saw Kashish enter the backyard, I sat straighter.

" We've decided to be in a relationship," He said and put his arm around her.

" So meet my girlfriend, Kashish "He introduced.

And everything shattered yet again.
I just kept looking at him.
I didn't even have the energy to put up a pretense of being happy for him.

I don't know what's happening around me.
I don't care.

The pain is closing in on me, making me feel like a hostage behind its bars.
But what can I do now?

Maybe tomorrow I'll be ready for this battle.
Maybe tomorrow I'll deal with this better.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be stronger.

But right now, let me just be weak.
Because right now, my world has collapsed.

Yet again.


That happened.
It only gets worse from here.
But our girl is a fighter.

Question of the day-

How much do you hate this turn of events?

Mine: Ughhhhh.....

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now