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"Well, that was unfortunate," said Lord Fyfe as Colin watched Pen walk away with her head held high.

Colin clenched his fists and forced himself not to run after her. 'What had possessed him to speak of Penelope in that way and in public, no less?' thought Colin as he turned back to his friends.

"Come on Bridgerton! No need to look so glum. You did not say anything she has not heard before," said Lord Fyfe as he continued to laugh with his friends. "Although I was surprised to see Miss Featherington has a bit of spunk to her. The way she completely dressed you down. She may not be suitable as a wife Bridgerton, but I bet she would be a delightful handful in bed."

Something inside of Colin snapped after Lord Fyfe's remark and Colin soon grabbed the lapels on Fyfe's coat and hurled him up against a nearby tree. "You will never speak so indecently about Miss Featherington again, do you hear me Fyfe?" spat Colin. When Lord Fyfe merely laughed, Colin pushed him against the tree harder and was pleased to see the gentlemen in question cry out in pain. "If I ever hear you speaking of her in such a way again, you will be sorry."

"All right Bridgerton," replied Lord Fyfe with his hands up in mock surrender. "Although this is quite confusing behavior from you," as he smoothed out his coat. "Especially since you were just saying that anyone would be mad to court Penelope Featherington. Me thinks the gentlemen doth protests too much."

Colin merely scowled at the gentlemen before striding off in search of a drink.

The next morning Colin awoke in his bedroom with a pounding headache. After leaving the Featherington's ball he made his way to Mondrich's club and proceeded to get rip-roaring drunk, anything to forget the incident with Pen.

Groaning, Colin stretched and sat up on the side of the bed rubbing his eyes. No matter how much he drank last night, her could not remove the memory of Penelope's hurt and angry face from his mind. He had never seen her in such a way. She had only ever looked up at him with awe in her eyes. She always made him feel special and cherished. He knew that she would never forsake him, and he done so to her at the first opportunity. 'What a terrible brute I am,' thought Colin sadly. His only hope was that Penelope could find it in her heart to forgive him.

Colin quickly dressed and made his way down to the drawing room to break his fast. Hopefully some of cooks biscuits and a strong cup of tea would cure his intolerable headache. As he sat down on the settee next to his brother Benedict, he did not notice that they eyes of his brothers, sisters and mother were all upon him.

"Colin," said Benedict hesitantly. "I think you should know," he said before he was cut off by his eldest brother stalking into the room and throwing a pamphlet into his lap.

"Do you care to explain this, Colin?" asked Anthony angrily.

Colin who was in no mood for his eldest brother's mood looked up at said, "Explain what Anthony?"

"Read it."

Colin took the paper that Anthony had thrown at him and started to read. It was Lady Whistledown's column.

Dearest Gentle Reader,
It has come to this author's attention that Mr. Colin Bridgerton was heard professing loudly to several young gentlemen of the ton that anyone would be mad to court Miss Penelope Featherington. Miss Penelope Featherington seemingly overhead Mr. Bridgerton's statement and confronted him leaving him and his gentlemen friends quite astounded. Perhaps Miss Penelope Featherington is more than we all thought her to be?
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown.

Colin grimaced and set down the paper. 'Of course, Lady Whisledown had heard what happened. Everyone would now know of the shameful words that he had voiced about his dearest friend.

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