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It had been nearly a month since Lady Featherington's ball and Eloise had not spoken to Penelope since then. Although still angry, Eloise ached for the company of her best friend. The last month had been tedious to say the least. It was an endless parade of promenades at the park with gentlemen that she could have cared less about, dismal teas with the young ladies of the ton with whom she had nothing in common and boring balls in which she was not even allowed to eat. Penelope had of course had been at the same balls and events, but they had maintained their distance from each other, a fact that Violet had not missed.

"Eloise, dearest you have not spent any time with Penelope of late. I do hope that the two of you have not had a quarrel," said Violet gently.

"No mother," replied Eloise. "She has just been busy." Penelope had in fact been busy. Eloise had been surprised when the day after the Featherington ball they had received a new issue of Lady Whistledown. Eloise thought that Penelope had given it up, but she was clearly still intent on spreading gossip and ruining the lives of the members of the ton.

"You would tell me if her absence had anything to do with Colin, wouldn't you Eloise? I still cannot believe he behaved in such a way."

Eloise sighed. "I believe that Colin maybe partly to blame." Eloise still could not believe that Colin had uttered those words regarding Penelope. She initially believed that Penelope may have been lying in order to stir up pity for herself, but Colin had ultimately admitted that he did in fact say it. While Eloise was still upset, she did not believe that Penelope deserved what Colin had said. Colin, had been a walking shadow of himself over the past month. When she saw him which was barely ever, he was either hung over or as drunk as a wheelbarrow. His face had grown puffy and sallow from over imbibing, and he had dark purple shadows under his eyes. Much of the ton had already forgotten what Colin had said due to the fact that Anthony had announced his engagement to Kate Sharma but she could tell that Colin was still feeling guilty over the matter.

"Your brother is taking his loss of friendship with Penelope quite hard," said Violet. "I am quite concerned about him."

"Penelope never said that she did not want to be friends with Colin anymore. Only that she needed some distance from him," said Eloise before taking a sip of her tea. "At least that is what Colin told us."

"They have not spoken in a month Eloise!"

"And I am sure that Penelope is taking this just as hard as Colin. This whole family with the exception of Colin himself, knows how Penelope feels about him," replied Eloise.

It was then that Benedict came into the drawing room with his painting supplies under his arm. "How who feels about who?" asked Benedict as he sat down next to his sister on the sofa.

"Your brother and Penelope," replied Violet.

"Ah, yes. Colin is a bit blind when it comes to Miss Featherington," said Benedict before popping one of cooks iced biscuits in his mouth.

"Mother is worried about him Benedict."

"Yes, I know. He has not been his usual jovial self. I did invite him with me to the park today. I thought maybe some fresh air would be do him some good. He did accept my invitation."

Violet popped up at her son's suggestion. "That is a most wonderful idea, Benedict. Perhaps we should all go. I shall let your brothers and sisters know. Eloise you may even find an eligible gentlemen to promenade with," said Violet clapping her hands together before leaving to find her other children.

Eloise groaned in exasperation. "You really had to suggest that didn't you? You are no longer my favorite brother Benedict."

"Oh, shut it, Eloise. You know I will always be your favorite," said Benedict before ruffling his sister's hair.

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