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Chapter 11: Time of the Essence


They all stood still for a few second, not believing their eyes before Sakura took initiative. Whitebeard's chest had not a single scar from his fight in MarineFord which meant Katsuyu healed him. She checked his condition to diagnose his symptoms. Certain areas of his body were warm and puffy underneath her touch. Fever, redness and swelling, fluids... an infection! "Report."

"I've found one hundred and fifty two foreign objects in his body my Lady." Katsuyu slogged on from his shoulder to his chest. Her tentacles lowered down to show her their positions. "I couldn't reach to get them out but he was going to die from blood loss so I left them inside. I'm afraid he will die if we don't save him in a week, worse, three days if we don't get rid of the infections he have."

It alarmed everyone. This war must have worsen his condition a lot. Sakura pressed on his wrist for pulse, rechecking what the problem was. I don't know what this is...

"Foreign objects?" Marco immediately opened a drawer, pulling out a red marker and reaching towards the other side. He 'X'-ed each point she showed.

"It must be the pistol round thingy that they use." Sakura nodded, looking around the room for space to put him on. Three days she said. I don't have enough chakra for a surgery.

"Pistol round thingy? You mean bullets yoi." Marco blinked, finishing charting them for surgical purposes. He looked at his father ashen face, his teeth clenching in regret. "That's a lot of bullets he took."

The other members just stayed back, trying not to interfere with their work but they couldn't stop themselves from being jittery. It was nerve wrecking to not be able to do anything but watch.

"This room is too small. Do we have a different medical room designated for Whitebeard?" Sakura went straight to business and when they nodded, she had Katsuyu reverse the summoning. She rushed out of there, following their footsteps.

"Why is everyone so bloody tall in this world?" She muttered to no one, going through one corridor to another spacious room, this one a lot bigger by ten times but with one bed in the center. It had all the medical equipments they need. On the left had a set of glass flask, beakers, burners and holders all lined up neatly on shelf of a table. On the right had a two layer steel moving table with sterile instrument and blood packets. A sink not that far off, some monitors device and four chairs. This room didn't need candles, it had electrical light to do the job.

She took off her headband and readjusted it to push her short hair back.

"Marco-san! Sakura-san!" Inside was a team of four people. They greeted them, waiting for them to come in.

"We need a blood transfusion and a blood test," Marco ordered.

Sakura resummoned Katsuyu on bed to lay Whitebeard down. She waited for the team who ran around to implant IV drips and brought out blood to fill him in. They stayed out of the way for a good few minutes before Katsuyu signaled them to come in.

Chakra overtook her hand and she sliced it on skin, cutting a wound open. Marco wore gloves and brought out a scalpel, working on the far side. They both concentrated on taking the bullets out, Sakura's hands working faster than Marco's.

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