Welcome To Your New Home

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Nagisa's pov

It's been a week since I graduated and a week since my mom got killed in a car crash and now I'm talking to a demon who says he is my grandfather... Let's fall back a bit

-Flashback to a week ago-

I was at home after the graduation ceremony, my mom didnt even attend it and she wasnt at home as well

I waited for her to come home for hours until it was already night time and the doorbell rang

I opened the door to be greeted not by my mom but a lady in a suit with two men behind her also in suits

"Are you Nagisa Shiota?" The lady asked

"Yes, that's me. Who are you?" I asked

"I'm Akira. The two behind me are my colleagues, Haru and Kaito. Were from the child protection agency. May we come in and talk with you?"  Akira said with a sad smile

I let them in and showed them the living room. We sat down and Akira sighed a heavy sigh

"There's no way for me to say it gently but... Nagisa... I'm sorry to say this but your mother is dead..." Akira said

"W-W-What? That can't be... How did she die?"  I managed to say with a crack in my voice

"She got into an accident with a truck this morning. The paramedics rushed her into the hospital only for her to die, two hours after her arrival..." Akira said

"..." I stayed silent with my head bowed down and tears falling down to my lap

"I really am sorry for your loss, but we cannot let you stay here on your own since you are still a minor. You have to come with us please." Akira said with a sad look on her face

"Can I please stay here for a while? I-I need some time alone." I said my voice cracking

"I can't let you do that. You need-"

"Please..." I cut her off looking at her straight dead on the eyes

Akira sighed and said "... Alright, you can stay for a week until you get sent to an orphanage. I'll be personally checking in on you on Morning, Lunch and Night for the whole week and giving you food when I visit as well but if I ever found out that you are doing something fishy, I will send you to the orphanage so you can be supervised. Is that okay with you?" Akira proposed, her colleagues were about to say something but she just held up her hand shutting them both up

"Yes. Thank you very much." I said with a sad smile

We talked for a while and they gave me dinner until before they leave

I ate my dinner, cleaned up and went to sleep, crying saying "First dad, then koro-sensei and now you mom?..." before I got knocked out from being emotionally drained

As days went by Akira kept visiting everyday and bringing me food like she said until she said something to me that shocked me

"We found your grandfather." She said

"What do you mean? Both my grandparents are dead.." I said looking confused

"Not your maternal grandparents. Your paternal grandparent. Your Father's father. He said he would like to meet you tomorrow. What do you think?" Akira said with a smile

"Sure!" I said with a smile feeling happy that I still have family somewhere in this world

"Great! I'll call him tonight. I'll be going now and don't forget to eat your dinner alright?" Akira said

"Alright." I said waving goodbye and ate my dinner then got ready for bed. Watched a bit of t.v. and went to bed after I was feeling tired. I went to sleep happy for tomorrow

Welcome To Demon School! Nagisa-kunWhere stories live. Discover now