Beginning Of Madness

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---  Harvest Festival (Narrator's POV) ---

The day of the harvest festival where students would fight to be crowned the young king the problem was they didn't know who would stab them at the back literally with the added rules. Things got a lot more dicey

--- Teacher's Area ---

"Are we really sure about these new rules, Professor Kalego? I know we already discussed this at the meeting but this seems too much." one of the professors voiced their opinion still not sure about the decision

"I know this may seem a bit harsh but with what has been happening in the nether world. We need to make sure our students can survive. We added this rule so they can have a better understanding on how to defend themselves. Be glad that they are doing it in a controlled environment." Professor Kalego said

"Who do you think will win this year's harvest festival?" Professor Dali asked

"I put my money on Karma."

A chorus of "Asmodeus" "Nagisa" and many more can be heard

"... Idiots." Professor Kalego said to himself in a whisper




--- Harvest Festival Area ---

Students were running towards the portals and a lot of them were dying and being sent back to the beginning. The stronger students quickly realised that the less competitors, the more points they could get

Not a bad plan... Unless the misfit class had a trick up their sleeves

--- Earlier ---

"You want to do what?" Shanx asked

"It's simple really. I found out from Grandpa that the teleporters can be shut on and off with a button." Nagisa said

"Let me guess, you have the button?" Jazz asked with a smile

"Of course not...  Karma has it." Nagisa said as Karma waved the button on his hand

"We entice every student to kill one another as a way to thin out the competition Meanwhile we enter the harvest zones and take as many points as we can until the professors manage to fix the teleporters." Nagisa said

"But how are we going to do that?" Sabno asked

"Leave that to us." Jazz and Allocer said with a smile

"I can help as well." Ix said with a smile

"Great. Start causing some mischief before the festival starts. We'll be waiting near the first teleporter." Nagisa said with a smile

--- Back to the present ---

"Hahaha! I can't believe that actually worked." Karma said to Nagisa as he continued to punch a massive boar

After perfectly executing their plan, the misfits split up to gather as many points as possible

Nagisa and Karma went off on their own, setting traps and what not all over the place made an agreement with Shanx to get the flower, only problem is they don't know how

But that didn't stop them accumulating as many points as they can

--- Meanwhile at the starting area ---

It was absolute mayhem. The teachers didn't mind since none of them were dying but the teleporters on the other hand was a huge problem

They quickly realised who started the whole madness since they are the only students getting points

Then suddenly the speakers came to life and the announcer's voice can be heard

"I forgot to mention, every time you kill a contestant unprovoked, your points will be deducted by 1000. So I suggest you choose your victims carefully." The announcer said then everyone went into a frenzy trying to get inside the festival zone only to realize they can't get in and due to the madness happening near the teleporters the professors are having a really hard time trying to fix it

And while the starting area was in disarray, the misfits were laughing their asses off at what they did

It didn't help that each of them left a little something at each teleporter. Just a little prank is all

Like they said all is fair in love and war. Its just that the students went to war with the wrong class

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