Lunch Time Mayhem

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--- Babylus Cafeteria (Narrator's POV) ---

In the bustling cafeteria of babylus, in the center of all the tables, there sat the misfit class along with the student council (due to their president wanting to sit with them) and their new classmate

Due to all the commotion caused by the newcomer and his grandfather. Classes in the morning were canceled due to the meeting in the morning. The normal noisy cafeteria was noisier and crowded than normal due to the seniors were also there

Some of the seniors if not all knew the very well known misfits but some might think that they are getting too full of themselves and rumors circulating through the upper years of the principal giving them special attention. This explains why some of the seniors were looking at their way with disdain and jealousy

--- A Random 3rd Year POV ---

"Look at those fresh meat... Thinking they own the whole school... I say let's show them who's in-charge and take the Royal One for ourselves." I said

My gang agrees with what I said. I smiled, standing up. I started making my way to those misfits with my gang right behind me. We weren't even afraid of the student council. With me being ranked Zayin(7) in the front and the rest of my gang being mostly ranked He(5). We can take on all of them combined

I scoffed thinking what could a bunch of first years do

--- Narrator's POV ---

The misfits were enjoying their lunch, asking Nagisa and Karma about things with Ameri looking at the two as they answered the questions

While they were enjoying their time, Karma and Nagisa felt and knew something was wrong. One, everyone was looking at them very differently from a second ago. Two, a group of demons were making their way over to them

Karma and Nagisa knew what was going on... They already experienced this before and weren't faced by it

Both of them stood up from their seats, confusing their friends around them. Then went to meet the group of demons in the middle

The group of demons started to laugh as they saw the two walking towards them saying things like "Look how stupid they are!" and "They must have a death wish."

The two factions finally met up, both in range of the other. A group of He(5) ranked demons being led by a ranked Zayin(7) versus Karma and Nagisa. The misfits and student council, ready if things get too heated

Ameri walking towards the two factions before things get out of hand

Just then Karma said with a smile "No one interferes." Causing a shiver run down everyone's spine

The leader started talking but it was the normal bully talk about how they as seniors should teach them their place

Karma smiled and said "Wow... You must have prepared that speech before... No wonder you're mad. You don't get enough bitches in your life. You must be a virgin?"

The leader gained a tick mark on his head. He shouted out in anger, throwing a punch to Karma. Only for him to dodge and punch him straight on the face, throwing him back to his gang and then to a wall

Karma looked at what he had done to Nagisa and said "You're right, Nagisa... This is a whole other level... It's addicting."

Everyone except Nagisa looked at Karma in fear as they all thought 'He's in his evil cycle and is in control.'

Karma let out a laugh scaring everyone except for Nagisa smiling at his brother enjoying himself

"Do you feel different, Karma?" Nagisa asked

Karma shook his head and said "I feel the same."

Nagisa nodded and said "Not surprising. You look and act the same but you're stronger than normal."

A demon shouted as he was about to hit Nagisa on the head with a bat. Nagisa ducked making the demon miss and in one fluid motion took out a magic tool and electrocuting the demon on the neck, knocking him out

"Where'd you get that? It looks like the taser from before." Karma asked

"Made it myself and that's why you should join my batra." Nagisa said endorsing his batra

"Maybe later... I still need to break some shit up." Karma said walking towards the group of demons still pilled up on the ground

The group of demons looked at Karma approaching them, knowing that they have royally fucked up... Someone who can control their evil cycle is a very powerful demon and they knew it

All they could do now is scream, fearing for their lives. Their bodies are unable to move as they still were hurt from Karma's single punch from before

"Don't worry... I won't kill you... But that doesn't mean I won't hurt..." Karma said with a smile

Nagisa shook his head and said for everyone to hear "Same old Karma."

Ameri looked at Nagisa in shock and asked "Nagisa, what do you mean, same old Karma?"

"He's always like this... I had my suspicions before but now... Now, I'm certain. He's always in his evil cycle." Nagisa said, shocking everyone in the room

Fear starts to sit in everyone's mind 'If this is his brother in his evil cycle... How would Nagisa be?'

Everyone knew Nagisa was a one of a kind demon. His kindness was well known as well as how he was strong but they don't know the depth of his strength

If only they knew that the two demons were trained to kill an unkillable creature. Taught by the best of the best. The lessons they have learned and the skill they had gained will forever be apart of them

On this day, the students called Lunch Time Mayhem. They knew not to mess with the Sullivan Brothers. As kind and mischevious as they are. They are as deadly as can be

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