Batra Party

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Narrator's pov

It was a beautiful day. As beautiful as it can get in the nether world. We see students setting up their stalls, equipment and what not for the batra party, hoping to win the first prize which was a rank up to whichever batra came out on top

We follow Nagisa accompanied by Azz and Clara as they set up their fireworks launcher with Clara designing it with lots of bows and flowers to make it prettier

After they set up their equipment, they started talking about who in their family were coming to the party

"Konchie, Keebow, Sin Sin, Ran Ran and Mommy." Clara said as she listed it on her fingers

"My mother..." Azz said looking as if he doesn't want her to come to the party

"My Grandpa and Opera will be coming to the party but they're busy at the moment since Granpda still has to do a lot of paperwork and Opera is tending to him. So it's just me until they come here." Nagisa said with a smile

Azz and Clara not wanting to make Nagisa sad, looked at each other and nod their heads as if they came to an agreement of something

"Nagisa-sama/Nagisa-chi! Let's go explore the stalls!" The two of them said at the same time making Nagisa smile and said "Sure, let's go."

As the three went from stall to stall either buying food or playing games until they were asked to leave due to either eating too much if not all the food or winning some of prizes from the games

As they returned to their spot with their haul, they found out that their fireworks were nowhere to be seen. Nagisa having a bad feeling about all of this quickly said "I'll go find Kirio-senpai. Maybe he knows where the fireworks are. You guys look around for the fireworks as well." then ran off to find their senpai

As we see Nagisa using the ring to find Kirio, with the day starting to set and the night quickly approaching. Nagisa started running even faster as to not be late to set off the fireworks at the announcement of the start of the party and to find out what Kirio was planning before it was too late

As the ring led Nagisa to an hidden room with Kirio looking out of the window with a smile

Nagisa made his presence known startling Kirio. "Nagisa-kun? How did you get here?" Kirio asked looking at Nagisa with wide eyes

Nagisa quickly put on a friendly smile and said "I was trying to find you Senpai. The fireworks went missing so I tried to look for you to see if you know where they are."

Kirio returned the smile and said "Yeah. I'm doing some finishing touches to them so when we set them off it would be an even bigger explosion so that everyone can see it and remember today as one of the most memorable moments in babylus history."

Nagisa quickly became excited and started telling Kirio that his plan was amazing making Kirio blush

Nagisa then quickly got an idea and said "I can't wait to see all their faces when they see it." as he looked at Kirio to see any signs that may give away his plans even more

He was right. Kirio looked at Nagisa with a shocked look on his face which quickly turned into a smile and started saying that him and nagisa are so much alike

Wanting to put the nail on the coffin, Nagisa asked with a smile "Am I to assume, that what I'm thinking is the plan you're about to execute at the start of the party?"  making Kirio smile even more as he quickly spills his plan to destroy babylus with its students and teachers in the school campus all in one place and said that my Grandfather is the only one that can stop him but since he's busy with the police no one will be able to stop him. As he let out an insane laugh then he continued to tell Nagisa about his future plans with his senpai to destroy the ranking system then looks at Nagisa with interest in his eyes

Nagisa quickly jumped at the opportunity and fed him lies making him think that all was going according to plan

'Since Grandpa was on campus but was busy doing work all I need to do is tell the teachers about his plan' He thought

Nagisa quickly made an excuse to leave him. As he ran through the halls, he looked at his phone to see that the party was about to start

He quickly ran as fast as he could to find a teacher, only to meet up with Azz and Clara. As they heard the bell rang loudly, Nagisa tried to get closer to the two only to be hit by an invisible force

Not wasting any time, said to the two to find a teacher and tell them that the one responsible is at the magic tool graveyard

Nahisa quickly asked for a map and some way to tell if theres an invisible wall or not which Clara happily gave him through a tiny gap that they found

Nagisa quickly made use of the magic origami and map that Clara gave him

Nagisa quickly silently opened the door to see Kirio firing the machine and at that moment Nagisa quickly slithered through the room as if he was waiting for the moment to deal the killing blow

He easily wet behind Kirio and snapped his neck in one swift motion
Meanwhile with Azz and Clara

They found the teachers all grouped up in a hall way on their way to Sullivan's office

They quickly told them about what Nagisa said

"Go find the chair demon, I'll go there first." Kalego said then was about to look for a straight way there only for the invisible wall to be destroyed making his way to Nagisa much more easier
Back with Nagisa

Even though he knocked out Kirio, he was too late to stop the machine from firing

As he saw the ball shoot out to the center of the square where all the students were all together

Not wasting anytime quickly set his ring on Ifrit mode and aimed at the bomb them shouted "LIBERA!" as demon wings appeared on his back and a massive dragon as well, as it swallowed the ball then flew up to the sky making it explode high above the sky as it lit the night sky and started raining fire aimed towards the school, only for Sullivan to diverte the disaster

As Nagisa saw this he was happy that he could help, as he looked at the scene with a smile on his face as he was starting to lose consciousness. He fell out of the window and started to free fall down to the ground, only to be caught by Kalego himself

As Kalego caught the boy, he felt something was odd. He tried to feel the roots only to have felt... nothing

He quickly went back to the room and looked at Nagisa's back only to see that nothing was there

He quickly hid the fact and just sat there waiting for reinforcements to arrive with only this thought to accompany him

'Lord Sullivan's grandchild... Has no wings...'

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