The Assassin Vs The Guard Dog

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--- Training Field (Narrator's Pov) ---

As the two demons and demonic cat stood in front of the field where they were about to battle it out

Professor Kalego turned to Karma and said "You can use any means to win but you cannot ask for help from anybody... That includes your familiar."

"Kalego-kun is being mean. Karma-sama, let me teach him a lesson." Opera said making Kalego tense

"Enough! Unsummon him, right now!" Kalego exclaimed

Karma did what he was told and started planning. When he was finished he looked at his teachers eyes and smiled

"Right. Let's have some fun." Karma said

"Then, attack me with everything that you got!" Kalego said with a smile then took a stance

Karma smiled "Sensei... You can't seriously believe I would fall for that trick, right?"

"What do you mean?" Kalego asked

"You're known for using magic. It would be stupid of me to fight you head on and without a plan." Karma said

"Then what did you do for the past minute?" Kalego asked confused

Karma smiled and said "You know who my grandfather is, right? Of course with him being your boss and all. No, I'm not gonna use him to. No No No. I'll use what he taught me and Nagisa instead... And maybe a bit of what Opera taught us as well."

Kalego looked at Karma confused until he figured out what he meant

Karma cracked a smile then disappeared only to appear right in front of Kalego and punched him on the guts, sending him flying to the air

'He's fast! I need to do something before I lose or die!' Kalego thought to himself as he looked at the red haired demon, only for him to disappear yet again

Kalego glanced behind him and summon Cerberus to block the attack, creating a shockwave sending both of them flying. Only for the both of them to land a good distance from each other

Kalego was out of breath. The punch he took really got him good. He looked at the boy across from and saw that he was tired

'So he can only use it for a few seconds and maybe 5 times... Still that's too many and paired with that strength... I need to end this now.' Kalego thought

I summoned Cerberus again and unleashed a wave of lightning. Karma disappeared again, which Kalego was hoping for. Karma appeared in front of Kalego again

Cerberus tried to block the attack, only for Karma to disappeare again once Cerberus had his paws hit the ground

Karma appeared behind Kalego and was about to unleash a barrage of punch and kicks only for Kalego to match him at every hit even hitting Karma a couple of times

As Karma slowed down, Kalego used the oppurtunity to get one over Karma and punched him on the jaw, stunning Karma and ultimately falling to the ground

"You surprised me a bit. That I'm not going to lie. But don't think for a second that even with your family magic, you could win while your still green. I have fought against Lord Sullivan and many more strong demons. Don't think I would be afraid with a demon who could manipulate time. But still... You're not that bad. I'll give you a 85/100. Still a passing grade." Kalego said as he looked at Karma only to see that he was asleep

Kalego sighed and said "Shit."


Sorry I couldn't update for a while. I was busy with life and yeah... I hope you understand. I hope you still enjoy the book and yeah... Have a nice day. Stay safe and Bye

I don't know what The Sullivan family magic is but from what I have seen and read I'll just go with time. So yeah... They got the OP time magic... Should I give them grimoires? Or not? Hmmm

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