A Prize Won

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Nagisa's pov

As the day went by and it was time to announce the winner for the batra party. All the students went inside the auditorium including the ones who came, were now waiting in anticipation to see who wins this year's batra party and get a rank up

I found Azz and Clara waiting with my other classmates, I joined in on the fun as we waited for the ceremony to start

As a student council member went out on the stage and went to the podium, did a mic check then announced that the excellent batra award ceremony will now begin causing everyone to scream at the top of their lungs in excitement

As the red curtains were parted by two flying devil eyeballs and was now showing 3 screens with bronze, silver and gold

Then the member started to introduce who the announcer for the ceremony was and out came Ameri with a different look and style

As she walked down the aile and on to the stage, grabbed the mic from the blonde member theen stood at the middle

She started making her opening remarks then went straight to the bronze award which was called the hard working award

The batra who won it was the succubus batra. She then explains why they won but it was long so heres a simplified version of it... A lot of demons voted for them because of their hostess theme which means a lot of them simped hard

They were given an extravagant batra room as their reward

I just clapped and smiled while the rest were waiting on the first prize and while Clara was a bit salty

Then Ameri announced the next prize which was the silver prize also known as the awesome award which the magic development batra won. They won because they developed something new which made them get a lot of votes and they won a one year's worth of black holy water

Which made me wonder 'How did they get these votes?' I thought while the rest just bickered who will win the first prize

Then the lights went out and a single light was shined on Ameri which made some dramatic effect and was slowly announcing who won the next prize, the gold prize

As we waited in anticipation as a drum roll can be heard

"Congratulations to our winners for this year's  batra party... Broadcating Batra!!!" She shouted out

Shocking the others while I just smiled and said "Oh well. You win some, you lose some, just be sure you learned a lot from those some."

As confetti started to rain down and music was playing while everyone cheered for the winners

Ameri started to explain why they won. It was because during the two days, they handled the whole event calmly even during the Kirio incident but she didn't add that in. She just said even during the maze event

As the whole student body was cheering, there were some who thought it should have went to the batra who displayed the fireworks

I smiled as I heard them talk about it. 'Even though we didn't win... It still feels like I won.'

As the blonde council member went out to the stage and was doing the closing remarks. Kalego-sensei went out on the stage with an envelope in hand causing everyone to look at him in confusion as he took the mic from the blonde demon and said "Silence" as it echoed throughout the audi

He then started to explain what was going on and that the faculty came up with an award. The tricky award. An award that gives one demon in said batra a rank up

Hearing this the whole student body screamed out in joy. As they still get a chance to win something but I already knew which batra will win this award

Kalego-sensei already gave it away in his speech. As I was looking at his figure, our eyes met as he was glaring at me to which I simply smiled his way

Even though we were far from each other, I was sure that I heard a "Tsk"

He took a deep breath and shouted "Come on up and claim your prize. Magic Tool Batra!"

Azz and Clara were celebrating while the others congratulated us for our win while I was still at a staring contest with Kalego-sensei only losing to it because Clara and Azz were pushing me to the stages and accept the award

Asking them if they were sure about this which they whole heartedly agreed. I was now face to face with Kalego-sensei as he glared at me and said "Geez... I heard you tried your best but just one misstep would have caused a catastrophe. Can't you report to me even once."

I just smiled while my sweat was dripping down my head and said "Ehehe... We're really sorry about that."

"You have the habit of getting used to danger." He said as he took my badge off my collar

"Rely more on us teachers, idiot. Make this recognition a warning, Nagisa... I give you the rank Gimel(3)." He said as he did some magic to my badge and gave it back now showing a different symbol that the last time

I just smiled and looked at Kalego-sensei and bowed as I said "Thank you very much." while everyone was clapping and congratulating me

Then we ended it with singing the school song which I just simply stood there with a smile on my face as I put on my new rank

After that singing, we made our way down the aile while being congratulated

Grandpa even came running towards me throwing me high up in the air and catching me all the while shouting "CONGRATUALTIONS NAGISA-KUN~!!!"

"Grandpa! Thank you but STOP!!!" I shouted which he happily did so and was now hugging me

"Grandpa is so proud of you." He said which made me take a step back and said "Thanks Grandpa."

"So how doe it feel to be even more popular now than before?" Grandpa asked with a smile making me go "Huh?" as I started to look around and saw a dust cloud forming in the distance

I squinted my eyes and saw paparazzi asking for an interview. Immediately making me embarrassed as they took pictures of me and autographs

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