Master Bachiko

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--- Unknown Location (Bachiko's Pov) ---

I was lying down on the soft grass at the top of a hill, enjoying the view, peace and just all around beautiful day

I let out a deep breath and said with a smile "This is the life."

*Brrr Brrr*
*Brrr Brrr*

"I spoke too soon." I said

I heard my phone ringing, to high hell. I picked it up and just answered the call without looking to see who it was

--- Call ---

Bachiko: WHAT!

Sullivan: Good morning to you too, Bachiko-chan. I see that I called at a bad time.

Bachiko: S-S-SULLIVAN-SAMA?! No No No, you must be mistaken. Anyways, what is it that you need?

Sullivan: I'll get straight to the point, Bachiko-chan. You know that I have two grandsons, right?

Bachiko: Yes, I heard the rumours and followed the news.

Sullivan: What do you think of them?

Bachiko: To be honest, Sullivan-sama. From what I heard you got two powerful kids on your hands.

Sullivan: Cute too, remember that. Anyways, I want you to teach them.

Bachiko: I'm sorry, what?

Sullivan: I want you to teach them. Now hear me out. My grandbabies are indeed powerful but that is not enough to survive in our world. That's why I want you to be their mentor.

Bachiko: Sullivan-sama...

Sullivan: I know about your past students Bachiko-chan but I'm telling you my grandbabies are different from the rest. I'm sure they will exceed your expectations. Just try, Bachiko-chan... If you won't do it for you then do it for me.

Bachiko:... Alright, Sullivan-sama. I'll do it

Sullivan: Great! Meet me in my office in 3 days and I'll introduce you to them.

--- End Call ---

I groaned and said "What did I get myself into?"

I looked at the sky in front of me and said "Derkila, help me."

--- Sullivan's Office (Nagisa's Pov) ---

"Nagisa, Karma meet Bachiko." Grandpa said with a smile beckoning to a short demoness wearing a lot of pink

"Is she going to be our teacher?" Karma asked with a smile

"You got problem with that?" Bachiko-sensei asked threatningly

Karma and I looked at each other and nodded our heads

I went up to her and gave a bow and said "We'll be in your care."

Karma just nodded his head

I looked up and saw Grandpa, Opera and Bachiko-sensei looked at us in shock

"Well, I won't keep you here any longer. You may go." Grandpa said with a smile

Bachiko-sensei gave a nod to Grandpa then looked at us and said "Follow me." then left the room

"This is gonna be a killer training regimen." I heard Karma said with a smile

"At least we got a chance of winning this time around." I said with a smile

"I'm just hoping she can't move at Mach 20." Karma said

"Got that right." I said

"ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" Bachiko-sensei shouted as she peeked her head


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