Chapter Sixteen

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Life has been pretty good so far. My grades were top notch. I hadn't been late Elijah's class not once sine our new contract.

I did a pretty good job of talking to them. I just didn't say some places, but we were good. I saw Adam here and there.

We still hung out but not as much as we use to. I kept a distance, but I do miss our friendship. I was happy and relaxed. I was living on a cloud as of now.

Two days before Thanksgiving

"My mom left for Jamaica and didn't even buy me my ticket," I whine.

"Gurl, it's okay you can spend thanksgiving with your men," Nuri says.

"Absolutely not. I'm not about to meet their families."

"I mean I would offer, but I'm going all the way to New York."

"It's fine Nuri, Imma spend thanksgiving here. I'm going to take every advantage I have the shower all the time."

"Oh yeahh, at least you finna be vibing. There is gonna be some type of family drama for me."

"Don't say that, wish for the best."

"Wish my ass, my family crazy as hell."

"Can't say the same for mine," I laugh.

"Speaking of which help me pack some of my things?"



I helped Nuri pack the things she needed. She went shopping to get some presents. I didn't go with her since she said she didn't need me.

I took my ass down to my favorite people in the world. I used my key that they gave me and opened the door.

I heard moving about.

"Daddies," I yell.

I close the door behind me and skip to the kitchen. I moved to the living room. They weren't downstairs.

"Upstairs princess," Elijah shouts.

I skip two steps on the way up and go to Elijah's room. He had a suitcase on the side and was in a sweatpants.

He didn't have a shirt on and his muscles were on display. He was sculpted so perfectly, to think that he was all mine.

"Hi daddy," I smile.

"Hey princess," he says.

I go to him and sit in his lap. I'm going to miss him. For a week imma be alone. I shift my body so I'm top of him and my legs wrapped around him.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"Later tonight," he says.

"Oh," I muttered.


"I don't want you to go," I said.

"You're going to be with your mom for a week aren't you excited to see her?"

"I am excited to see her, I'm just going to miss you," I lied.

I didn't want to tell him that my mom wasn't in the country. I rather keep my trap shut. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You're going to see me in a week, you will be fine."

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