Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I looked at the missed calls from Grayson, but I never answered or called back. I only answered Elijah, so he wouldn't worry about me. It's only been two days, but I have been avoiding the topic of discussion.

I may have hung out with Adam, but I never went to his apartment. I still held up my part, so if that gets used against me I can say that's not true.

I don't know how to come across this anymore. I gave myself time to think and I did distance myself. I used that time to assess the situation I was in.

With Gray, he's complicated. I think there's a lot more there that he just holds back. I can see that he tries his best, but he treats me as if I'm too naive to understand. He was always up and down with me. I can never know for certain if he likes me or not.

Elijah was way out of this portion. Elijah was easygoing, I could tell the way Elijah felt. It was obvious, I don't need to say much.

Adam, who was close to my age, did things that I wanted to do. I just think that I'm so wrapped around Eli and Gray that it doesn't feel the same anymore. It's fun, but at the same time, I am too worried about them.

Yeah, I don't know how this is going to work out on my end. I sighed and rested my head against the wheel.. I stared at the big house in front of me.

I couldn't decide if I wanted to go in anymore. They know I'm here because there's a sensor that sends them a notification. Maybe they don't know I'm here, but ninety-ninety chance they do know.

I opened the car door and got my keys and phone. I closed the door and locked the car. I walked up to the door and put my key in. I unlocked the door and was greeted with silence.

I shut the door behind me and locked it, I put my keys on the side table right at the door. I walked down the hallway and heard sounds from the kitchen. I took a deep breath and walked in awkwardly smiling.

Grayson sat down at the counter with head down with a glass of some type of alcohol in it. Elijah leaned against the counter near the stove with his arms folded.

I know this is such a bad time to let my thoughts go down the gutter but fuck. They never wear shirts and usually their pants hang low so I get to see that V-line teasing me what's further down.

I trail my eyes on Elijah's body. Those big muscly arms that I so much miss being in and wrapped into. I miss him calling me princess altogether. I loved how he could trap me with just his arms and when he picked me up. Yeah, two days felt like weeks being away from him.

I turned to Grayson who was now looking up at me. He looked tired as if he hadn't slept properly in a while, his hair was a mess of strands going in every direction. Grayson always kept a clean look to himself. He just looked exhausted which I never see.

"Angel," he starts.

"Hey Grayson, Hi daddy."

Maybe it was foul of me to call Grayson by his name, but still call Elijah daddy. It's well deserved and I shouldn't have to call him sir.

"Princess, how are you?"

"I'm good."

Elijah didn't react when I called Grayson by his actual name. Even if he did he didn't show it. I avoided eye contact with Gray, because I never really call him Grayson, just Gray or Sir maybe even daddy sometimes when Elijah isn't around.

I actually came here to talk to him, but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. Hey, I feel upset because you touched one of your old partners when you knew I was down the hall. You got hard from it and it was obvious you were enjoying it. You are so bipolar towards me and you make me very confused. I also feel like you're forcing yourself to be my dom.

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