Chapter Nineteen

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"Gray and Eli, you're on your own. Maria is taking the kiddos, so we are together," Selena smiles.

She hooks our arms together and drags me off from the group. We went inside the H&M. We picked up clothes that would look nice on me.

Some complimented my body a lot. Like showed off my figure. My mom never let me shop so outrageously.

Selena asked me questions about my family, Adam, school and other things. It just got really personal.

"I know we already discussed Adam, but do you truly like my son Lil?" She questions.

"Of course, I do. He's super sweet, caring and generous," I beamed.

"No, not like that dear. I have seen the way he looks at you. He admires you, I can see it. You don't have that same look, so do you really like him?"

"I do like him. He made me feel like I was wanted, he was the first guy to seem interested in me. Eventually, I met someone else and yeah."

"Do you love the other guy?" She asks.

"I do, at least I think I do. I feel temporary, so I don't know," I answered, truthfully.

"Don't play with either of their feelings. You're just going to end up hurting yourself and them in the process. You're a nice girl and I know you will make the right decision."

She's wrong though. I can't choose between Adam and them. They were such different people. I was stuck.

I had to figure it out. She was right, I shouldn't be leading them on like this. I'm just confused on how to handle it.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

The more I swelled on it, the more I realized I was a shitty person. Why do they have to be related.

I no longer felt the need to shop. I sighed and excused myself. I went to the bathroom and I checked the time in Jamaica.

I went on WhatsApp and called my mom. She answered.


"Hey mummy," I said.

"Trisha put it deh so, mi nuh waah eh eena yah,"she shouts.

I heard shouting in the background and my mom was moving around. Well isn't she having a fun time.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

Her accent switches to her American one.

"Don't lie. You don't call me mummy unless  something is wrong."

"I just miss you."

"I don't believe that, what happened?"

"I don't need a lecture on why I'm in college, but I need your advice. There's this guy I had a close friendship with him, but I met someone else and I clicked with him more in a way. I still wanna be friends with the first guy, but the second guy probably won't allow it," I explained.

"All mi ah go say is that, if you really like the second one, establish some type of trust. I know how you don't like to deal with things and you do the opposite, but make the right decision. For both you and those boys. Next ting you know you fuck up both relationships."

"What if I can't choose?"

"Find someone else, distance yourself. Don't put yourself in such a situation."

"Thanks mom."

"Your welcome baby, I love you," she says.

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