chapter four.

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( I HEART VODKA ) , shake your groove thing.

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     "THE LAWYER HAS BEEN MANAGING HER ESTATE WITH A LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY." The financial lady at Ellis' nursing home began. "Her estate with a limited power of attorney, but your mother's Alzheimer's is advancing." She sat in front of Meredith and Jamie at her desk earlier in the morning. "So, while she's still lucid enough to consent, she needs to sign everything over to you, Jamie."

     "Me?" She asked in reply. "Why not Meredith?"

     "It can be either one of you," The accountant added. "I just figured because it says you're the eldest- well, I guess I assumed. You already have the house too, right?"

     "Yes," Jamie sighed in defeat. "Look, miss, we haven't slept in a good 48 to 72 hours. I have a big ass surgery to scrub in on this morning. Meredith is missing rounds- I'm missing my interns' rounds. Are you sure there isn't anybody here, or even the attorney?... I mean, do I really have to be the one to handle this?"

     "We're talking about her estate, finances, medical care." The woman replied tightly. "Do you really want to leave her life in someone else's hands? She's your mother."

     Not really, Jamie wanted to say but instead she just sighed. Adulthood sucks

grey's anatomy

     "Can I get an extra-large green tea please?" Jamie asked the person at one of the food stands outside of the hospital. "Uh, just a little bit of sugar and cream, thanks."

     "Here you go, that will be 4.23." 

     Jamie took a sip and practically moaned at the taste that warmed her body. "Thank you," she replied before handing the guy some money and making her way inside the hospital. "Keep the change."

     "Hey," Derek approached her, eating a salad of some sort. "Did you sleep okay? What's with the huge coffee?"

     "It's actually tea, I hate coffee. But this morning I'm just exhausted more than usual." She answered with a slight yawn and a shrug of her shoulders. "Have you seen Meredith; how did her surgery go?"

     "She got to hold the heart, which is always exciting for the first time. I mean, even as a neurosurgeon who loves poking at people's brains, I have to admit holding a heart is thrilling."

     "Oh, definitely. I remember when I first held a heart, I felt like I was on top of Mount fucking Everest." As she looked like a little kid on Christmas, Derek just chuckled at her. "What?"

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