chapter eighteen.

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( AND THEY'RE ALL DEAD ) , superstition.

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     "SHIT," JAMIE CURSED OPENLY IN HER OR, TRYING TO SUCTION AS MUCH BLOOD AS SHE COULD SO SHE COULD ACTUALLY SEE WHAT SHE WAS DOING. "More suction- now please, while this patient is still alive. Thank you."

     But she knew the odds were never in her favors these days and that the patient on the table didn't have great odds either. The monitor was beeping loudly- so loudly that she didn't really hear anything other than that. Which was hard for her considering the other nurses in the room talking.

     "BP is dropping." One of them announced. 

     "Charging to 300." Another said. 

     "I have to take him off, he's having a reaction." The anesthesiologist told Jamie. 

     "BP is still dropping, doctor." All the voices seemed to be overlapping one another. 

     So, Jamie took a deep breath and sung to herself, "It's the edge of the world and all of western civilization." She started to sing Californication by the Red-Hot Chili Peppers. It was one of her favorite songs, one she like to hum whenever she felt anxious or scared in the OR. "The sun may rise in the east, at least it settles in the final location..." The blonde then took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's do this." And she was back to work. 

     But she couldn't save the patient. And the dead tone was like poison to her heart. 

     "Time of death, 8:17." She spoke before ripping off her mask and scrubbing out. "Pay your surgeon very well, to break the spell of ageing. Celebrity skin, is this your chin? Or is it war you're waging? First born, unicorn. Hardcore, soft porn. Dream of Californication.

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     "Come on," Jamie pounded on the interns' lockers as she entered the room with Bailey. "Let's go, lazy asses. We don't get all day."

     "Where?" Mila's head shot up. 


     George twisted his face. "All of us?" He asked. 

     "We've all had deaths. Let's all go save a life." Bailey tried to lighten the mood a bit, but the interns didn't really buy it, however, they just trudged along behind.

     "Uh, Dr. Bailey." Addison stopped the group of doctors and handed the cup to her. "Here you go."

     "What's this?" The resident questioned. 

     "Hot cocoa. It's a little ritual we have in New York. Five surgeries, five deaths. Oh, and Jamie." Addison then handed one to the eldest Grey sibling. "One for you too. I figured we could all use a little good juju."

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