chapter twenty-five.

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( THE FIRST CRACK IN THE ICE ) , don't stand so close to me.


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JAMIE TRIED TO BE BRIGHT AND SHINY. She really did. But something inside of her told her otherwise. It was like a little devil cartoon character sitting on her shoulder whispering everything she didn't want to hear into her ear. There were also these thoughts that wouldn't leave her head and it made her overwhelmed and anxious.

And she tried to block them out, she tried so very hard to wipe off the dust and go with the flow, but something else told her that she shouldn't care and that she should crawl back in bed and rot till tomorrow. Jamie thought that everything sick, twisted and horrible in her life was surely in the past, but the same gut feeling that made her want to die, told a different story.

The resident sat in the Chief's office with Bailey, Burke, Derek and Cristina stressed out of her mind. She knew she should have looked more into what George had told her the other day and God she wished she could have or maybe they wouldn't be in this situation right now. If only she could turn back time and stop something she could have stopped or in a way help in some way or another. Even though in the end she knew it wasn't her fault right now it sure as hell felt like it.

Bailey went to get up and leave but quickly stopped herself and asked, "What's going to happen to them?"

"What?" Webber perked up, not quite understanding such a simple question.

"Dr. Burke and Dr. Yang," The female clarified with a scoff. "What are you going to do to them? Their punishment."

"Dr. Bailey-"

"No." Jamie interrupted, standing up from her chair as well. "She's right. There is a need for justice here. This is a patient's life we're talking about. Multiple patients that have been at stake and could have very well died because of this situation." She argued.

"Justice?" Derek asked his girlfriend with a quirk of his eyebrow.

The blonde glared at him for saying, "Yes, justice, Shepherd."

The Chief shook his head. "Justice has no definition within the four walls of a hospital, Dr. Grey. This isn't a court of law."

"Now, it might as well should be given the circumstances it's come to." Jamie scoffed. "And what about Isobel Stevens? When she killed Denny Duqette there was a need for justice and you had no problem dealing with her."

"I just want to know what's going to be done," Bailey spoke. "Regardless of what happened to Isobel Stevens. I just want to know what is going to happen to them." She pointed to Burke and Cristina who both had equally as guilty looks on their faces.

"Legally and technically, they've done nothing wrong. Nobody died and there was no malpractice." Webber argued back. "I haven't made a decision yet.'

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