chapter twenty-three.

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( I FEEL LIKE DEATH ) , what i am.

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     "GOD." JAMIE WALKED INTO THE HOSPITAL, HOLDING HER STOMACH FOR DEAR LIFE. "It feels like my insides are being ripped out and being put back into place too many times." She complained, her stomach clenching the more she walked- and talked about how bad her stomach actually hurt. "Ugh, does anyone have some... Pepto or something?"

"I don't," Kathryn shook her head as she quickly dug through her purse. "Ask one of the nurses. They're bound to have something. Ooh, get yourself some laxatives. That should do the trick." The female then smiled, amused by her own words.

The smaller girl scoffed. "Yeah, I'll get some laxatives when you talk to Adam. Deal?"

That made Kathryn shut up rather quickly. "Stop it. What would I need to talk to Adam about?"

"Oh, so you're playing dumb. Got it." The blonde smirked in reply. This situation between her two friends had become quite amusing if she did say so herself.

"Hey, ladies." Adam smiled as he approached the two females, coffees in his hand, trying to act normal around the one in particular. "You need something to start you up? Look no further. Adam Williams has got coffee for you."

Kathryn nodded quickly and smiled faintly before she quickly took off, not muttering a word- and not taking a coffee. Jamie watched as her friend scurried off and smiled a bit. "Well," the blonde sighed. "I'll take the coffee if you're still handing them out."

The male sighed as well. "She told you about the bar?" And his friend nodded, making him sigh again. "Yeah."

"We've got a lot of talking to do. Just... let me wait till I get rid of this stomach bug. I might end up puking all over you and I don't want that on my conscious."

"I strongly agree with that, babe." Adam smiled as politely as he could without cringing. "Hey, you okay? You look a little... green. And by a little I mean a lot."

"I think my men troubles are getting to me." Jamie told him honestly. "I may have an ulcer. Do you have any Pepto?"

"No. McDreamy and the vet are making you sick?"

The blonde shook her head. "I just need to make a choice and get it over with." She answered lightly. "I'm tired of feeling guilty and sad. The sooner the better."

"Are you leaning towards a certain person?" Adam then asked her.

"Yeah," She answered unsurely. "I guess."

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"Shawn Sullivan, 62, had minimally invasive bypass surgery two days ago to remove a blockage from his LAD-" Joey started to present, handing the chart to his resident.

But leave it to the patient to interrupt the poor male. "But I'm all better now. Thank you, Joey. So, what do you think, Miranda, Jamie? Can I stop being a burden to you good people and go on home?" He tried to persuade his doctors.

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