chapter thirty-five.

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( THE NAZI PARADE ) , crash into me part one and two.

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JAMIE HAD TO GET OUT OF HER HOUSE. She just had to before she lost her mind. Meredith and Cristina were too busy dancing with each other to even acknowledge the fact that Jamie had entered the room which was quite unusual, however, Jamie didn't question it.

And don't even get her started on Izzie.

Ever since finding out that George had cheated on Callie with the said blonde, Jamie had fought the overwhelming urge to kick both of them out on their asses because let's face it, Jamie wasn't that mean- yet. But it was getting harder to tolerate them as the days passed on, especially because Izzie complained about everything and I mean everything.

Just this morning Jamie overheard her complaining about how Meredith and Cristina were too busy being their own two persons to care about her. Talk about being fucking selfish. Jamie couldn't get out of there sooner.

Upon arriving at the hospital and changing into her scrubs before grabbing a tea from the coffee cart in the lobby she met up with Derek for a quick moment before she finally had to round on the other residents and interns.

"Hey," He kissed her lightly but not before noticing the worn-out expression on her face, prompting to ask, "You okay?"

"Yeah," She forced a smile in return. "Stevens and O'Malley are driving me crazy. I can't be alone in the same room as them or I'm afraid I'll strangle them to death. And I'm a doctor, I'm supposed to save people, not kill them."

Derek laughed a little bit before sighing. "We could always stay in the trailer. I know just because you have this big, old fancy house but it's much quieter up there. Plenty of space for you and me." The thought made him practically twirl inside. Just the two of them.

"Just us." Jamie nodded before pursing her lips together. "I think about it, my love. It's tempting but I also don't want to leave all the craziness behind for Meredith to clean up."

He kissed her once more before saying, "Just think about it, Jamie Marie. Let me know."

"Alright. And speaking of her, Meredith still hasn't warmed up to Lexie. I feel kind of bad for her, I mean, Lexie's sweet and kind and she could be a really good surgeon one day and I feel like... Meredith is just kind of ruining that for her."

"Well, I mean, Lexie had the life Meredith always wanted. I'm surprised you don't hate her considering your hatred towards your father."

"My father is not my father; I just so happen to have Thatcher's blood in my veins." Jamie retorted coldly, repulsed by the mere mention of the elder man. She hated thinking about him. "I just don't understand Mer's reasoning for hating Lexie, you know? Lexie didn't know and it's not like she purposely grew up with a loving father unlike me and Mer. It's strange, isn't it?"

"It's a little strange but I'm sure she has her reasons."

Suddenly her pager beeped, and Jamie sighed. "I gotta go, I'm with Sloan today and he has a meeting right now. Wanna grab lunch with me?"

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