chapter seven.

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( THE UGLY TRUTH ) , who's zoomin' who?


an intense feeling of deep affection 

a great interest and pleasure in something 

a person or thing that one loves 

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feel deep affection for someone 

like or enjoy very much 

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     JAMIE NEVER REALLY KNEW WHAT THE TERM LOVE MEANT. I mean, I'm sure she felt it at a very young age when she didn't know any better and got what she thought she deserved but over time that feeling eventually faded away. 

     When her dad left, and it was just her, Ellis and Meredith, Jamie was crushed. She didn't really know why her dad picked up and left one day, although she had her theories. And even before her father left, her mother was never really there so why would she be there after the fact?

     Love was just never in the cards for her. It was a blind field for Jamie. For her it was like walking through a minefield with only her gut and intuition- no sight whatsoever. 

     Was she proud of it?

     Hell no

     Jamie always kept it to herself because she thought she was so unlovable. She couldn't see through the negative mindset she had prepared for herself to keep a stable relationship. It's like she was immune to love. That explains the no boyfriends- or even random hookups for that matter. She felt as if she did not deserve it. 

     She had trained her body to keep away when near love so that she wouldn't get... infected

     Plus, she hated sappy romance shit. The guy gets the girl, kissing in the rain, typical shit like that pissed her off. Which is why she spent most of her money on movies that gave her a good laugh or a scream- maybe a bit of both. 

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