chapter thirty-two.

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( THERAPY DUDE CAN TOTALLY SUCK IT ) , love / addiction.

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TO JAMIE, SEX WAS AMAZING. A lot of people around her could definitely agree on that. And it wasn't just sex that was amazing, it was sex with the love of her life. It was this intimate connection in which they had been doing it a lot lately. They made time for it, whether it was at home, the hospital, the bathroom at Joe's, they made sure to make time for it.

Well, Jamie made time for it. It was a coping mechanism at this point.

Covering her naked body with the blue sheets of her bed, Jamie smiled hazily as her boyfriend turned off the lamp and nuzzled into her side, kissing up her neck. "What are you doing?" She asked, sighing in satisfaction, the moonlight peeking through the windows and somewhat illuminating the two in the darkness.

Derek kissed her one final time before closing his eyes and breathing in her scent. "Sleeping." He simply answered.

As much as she wanted to just fall right asleep, she stopped herself. "Wait, hang on, I need my medicine." The female unwillingly pushed him off of her before, sitting up and taking some ibuprofen- for her massive migraine she was fighting- and her pills that her psychiatrist had prescribed her with.

After Jamie came back after her incident (she didn't like to refer to it as anything other than the incident) she was taken up to the psych ward for an evaluation. Derek had even told her that they would probably have to run some neurological tests as well to make sure there was no brain damage and luckily there wasn't. And the day of Cristina's supposed wedding, she had been officially diagnosed with bipolar mood and depression disorder.

That meant that she was put on two or three medications and had already started a weekly therapy session with her new therapist, Dr. Logan Graham. Jamie had been sure that this shit was going to weigh her down, but she was just happy that she finally knew what was wrong and she could stop worrying about it so much. Plus, Derek was by her side for all of it.

Taking the meds in her hands, she put them in her mouth before taking a sip of water and swallowing them with ease. Jamie then sighed and set the glass down and then laying back down with her lover, finally feeling at ease once more.

"You know," She started out, staring into Derek's eyes with nothing but admiration and love. She lazily ran a finger or two through his tousled curls which were soft and perfect in her eyes. "One day if I become like this... crazy, violent monster with my mother's Alzheimer's, would you still love me?"

Derek lifted himself up onto one of his arms and tilted his head to the side, his dark hair now slightly covering his forehead. "What makes you think you'd get your mother's sickness?" He questions. "You're healthy, beautiful... sexy."

Jamie laughed, her nose scrunching up in the process. "Doesn't stop time from doing the devil's bidding."

"Interesting way to put that, Jamie Marie."

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