Chapter 7

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Jade's Pov

"Rose, are you sure we should be doing this?" Skylar asked.
Alpha Ayden had left to go take care of some stuff before we leave. Skylar had been pacing back and forth worrying about leaving.
"What if Alpha Roy comes for us? What if Alpha Ayden is just like him? How are we so sure he isn't going to mistreat us just like him?" Sara growled and she whimpered away.
"I'm sorry. I'm still learning to control her." I shot her an apologetic look.
"Why did you lie to me?" The last thing I wanted was to make her sad.
"I didn't want anyone to know the truth. My mom always told me to hide my identity from strangers." She looked up at me confused.
"Your whole identity? I thought you were just lying about your age" I mentally slapped myself. This is not how I wanted to tell her the truth.
"She told me about people who would look for me if they knew my real name." I shrugged and she looked down.
"I'm sorry for never telling you the truth. I wanted to tell you but I would get scared that someone would be listening."
"Don't worry about it. I know you did it for your own safety" She smiled at me.
"Does this mean your real name is not Rose?" I shook my head and sighed.
"My real name is Jade." She smiled up at me.
"It's a beautiful name" I smiled and she hugged me.
I heard footsteps coming towards the door and I looked at her.
"Someone is coming" I whispered and she nodded. The door opened and Alpha Ayden walked in with the two men he's always with.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked. I looked at Skylar and she nodded.
"Let's go" I gave him a small smile.
I stood up and Alpha Ayden rushed to my side. He reached out to me and I whimpered away. Skylar helped me up and we walked out of the room. I looked back at Alpha Ayden and gave him a small smile. They led us to some SUVs outside and then heard an all too familiar growl.
"I will not let you take them!" Alpha Roy yelled. He walked over to us and the three men stepped in front of us.
"Don't you dare take another step closer" Alpha Ayden's voice was lower than usual which made me weak at the knees.
"Girls get in the SUV now" one of the other guys commanded. We climbed in and they shut the door behind us.
"Can you hear what they are saying?" Skylar asked.
"How are you so sure he was abusing them?! He said he found them hurt! You're taking my pack members with false allegations!"
"Alpha Roy doesn't want us to leave. He is claiming that Gamma Richard wasn't hitting us" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Did your senses get better when you got your wolf? What else can you do?"
"Well-" The door swung open and they piled up inside.
"I suggested you walk away before I call an Alpha committee meeting."
Alpha Ayden slammed the door and we sped off. Skylar held my hand and I smiled at her.
"Shit! We didn't even give you a chance to get your belongings" Alpha Ayden ran his hand through his hair.
"It's not like we had any sentimental value for anything" Skylar laughed and then put her hand over her mouth.
All their bodies stiffened and she looked over to me with a scared look on her face.
"As soon as we get there we will get you everything you need don't worry about anything" Alpha Ayden didn't take his eyes off of the windows.
I didn't know how long this car ride was going to be, but hopefully not long. Skylar started drifting off and I laid her head on my shoulder so she wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck. I would occasionally steal glances at the Alpha to admire his features.
His hair was almost shoulder length and had a chiseled chin. He has a strong, tall physique probably around seven feet tall. He was trying his best to squish against the door to give us more space but our legs would occasionally brush together. Every time they would touch I felt sparks run up my leg. I put my head on Skylar's and let myself drift off to sleep.

Ayden's Pov

"How are you doing?" Lance opened mindlink.
"I want to kill him" I growled. "Look at them. They look delicate and hurt. Skylar mentioned about them not having any sentimental items."
"What else do you think they went through in there? How long do you think they lived there?"
"How much did they suffer?" Milo stirred inside me and Caden looked at me through the review mirror.
"Getting heated there Ayden?" He joked
"Keep your eyes on the road. I'm not going to let you kill us" I said and he rolled his eyes. Rose's head rolled forward and I looked over at her.
"If you don't fix her she will wake up with a stiff neck," Lance said
"I know that. I don't want to overstep. She whimpers away from me every time I reach out for her." I groaned.
"Your choice. Let her wake up sore" Caden laughed. I sighed and adjusted her head on my shoulder. The sparks that ran through my hands when I touch her were hypnotic.
"Look at him he is smitten by her already" Caden joked. I glared at him and Lance nudged him on the side.
"Shut up before I throw you out of this car" I warned.
As soon as we get back I am going to call a meeting with my council. I don't want anyone finding out about Rose until she is ready. Stepping into the Luna role is going to be a long processes, but I will be there for her throughout the whole thing.
I can't believe she wanted me to reject her. I never pictured my life with a mate, but now I can't stand being away from her. I guess Alpha Alex was right. I would do anything to protect her. I can't help but blame myself for her being stuck there. Maybe if I wasn't so stubborn and actually would've made an effort to go to these parties I could've rescued her a long time ago.
"Skylar said she didn't even have her wolf yet, but I can definitely feel someone there," Milo said
"Unless Rose was lying about her age"
"Do you think she is lying about something else?"
"I wouldn't doubt it. She must've had a good reason for lying."
"Once she gets settled in we will talk to her"
"You really think she is just going to cough up all her secrets to you? She didn't even want to come with us."
"Whatever that idiot Alpha did to her made her afraid of people"
"What if she never opens up to us? She wanted us to reject her. She thinks she is a burden"
"Just give it time. Be patient"
"Yes because that works so well for us" He laughed and laid down.
I texted some pack members to prepare rooms for our guests. I wanted everything to be perfect for her.
"Do you want to wake them up already? We are at the border" Lance asked and I nodded. I looked over at them and furrowed my eyebrows. How am I supposed to wake them up without scaring them? I tapped Rose's shoulder and she shot up.
"Hey, it's okay. I just wanted to let you know that we are already here" She woke up Skylar and they both looked around. When our packgrounds came to sight they gasped. Our land was bigger and cleaner than their old land. I can't wait to show her around.

Jade's Pov

His pack lands were beautiful. We were never really allowed to go out, but the few times we did I knew that they were nowhere near pretty. I squeezed Skylar's hand and kept my sight on the window. We drove through tall buildings, forest land, and bridges. The car finally came to a complete stop in front of a huge building in the middle of a field. The guys climbed out of the car and Alpha Ayden looked back at us.
"Come on" I held Skylar's hand and stepped out of the SUV.
"Welcome to my packhouse" Alpha Ayden announced as he pointed to the building behind him.
"This is the packhouse?" Skylar asked in awe.
"Yes, this is where you two will be staying. Follow me please" He turned around.
I looked at Skylar and she shrugged her shoulders. We followed close behind them and admired the scenery around us. Almost the whole field was filled with different activities all over the place. There were some people training on the side of the packhouse. All of them were tall and strong, but no one here looked as big as Alpha Ayden. There was a smaller group of little kids running around and playing near a playground. I bumped into a strong figure and fell down with an 'oomph' to the ground. I looked up and saw all of them staring down at me.
"I'm sorry Alpha" I mumbled and quickly stood up.
"This is my stop. I have to go to a business meeting, but Beta Lance and Gamma Caden will show you to your rooms. They will take over the tour from here" He announced.
"No don't let him go" Sara's voice rang through my head.
"If you need anything please ask for them. Not everyone knows who you are or that you are here" He looked back one more time before he disappeared as he turned the corner.
"Follow me ladies" Gamma Caden smiled at us.
We went into the pack house and it was just as beautiful in the inside as it was on the outside.
"This is where we hold meeting, parties, or any big events that involve the whole pack" Lance said as we walked.
"Like full moon parties?" Skylar asked quietly and he nodded.
"Most of the time we only have the top wolves here or the council" He continued.
"Do they live here?" I asked
"Only the council, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, and now you guys" Caden smiled back at us.
I got shivers down my spine and felt someone looking at me. I turned around and spotted a group of people looking our way and whispering.
"They aren't from here right?"
"Obviously not look at them"
"Then why are with the Gamma and Beta?"
"I don't know but they look like they belong in the trash"
"Rose?" A voice caught my attention.
"Hmm?" I turned around to look at them.
"Are you okay?" Lance asked and I nodded. His eyes went cloudy for a second and then he smiled at me.
"Let me show you to your rooms" We walked up the stairs and I continued to admire the paintings on the wall.
"This is where you will be staying." He said and Skylar's shaky hand squeezed mine.
"Is it okay if we rest for a while?" I laughed nervously.
"Well Alpha Ayden wanted us to give you the full tour. He also wanted you to eat breakfast" He pushed.
"Yeah, but I feel a little tired. I just want some time to settle in" I lied. I was feeling overwhelmed and I know Skylar was as well.
"But-" Caden put his hand on Lance's shoulder and smirked.
"Are you really trying to argue with our Luna?" My body stiffened and my heart began to race. Both their eyes went cloudy and then went back to normal. Was that some kind of condition?
"Okay, just call for us if you need anything" he smiled and I pulled Skylar into the room.
"I can't do this" I paced around the room.
"I can't become a Luna. I don't know how to be a mate. I've never even been to school. All I've done is cook, clean, and service for most of my life"
"Rose, you need to calm down. I think this can be a real good opportunity for us. I mean look at this room!" She exclaimed.
"What if we did make a mistake? He could've said all these things to get us here. He could reject me now that we are here! I mean he barely even smiles. Do you think he is a grumpy Alpha as well" I ranted.
"Jade! you need to sit down" Skylar pulled me towards the bed and sat me down.
"Is that the first time you call me Jade?" I smiled at her
"Well I have to start saying your name correctly" She laughed.
"I'm sorry. I'm scared. These past eleven years have been hell and I don't want us to go through something like that ever again" I sighed.
"I'm scared as well" I quickly hugged her and then looked around.
The room was huge. It had a bed in the center with a drawer right in front of it. It also had a long couch facing a tall window with a coffee table in front. There were two closed doors that I am assuming is the closet and restroom.
"I can't believe we have this whole room to ourselves!" Skylar's eyes sparkled.
I couldn't believe it either. We always stayed in a tiny room with two mattresses and very limited moving space. This was defintely an upgrade.

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