Chapter 29

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Ayden's Pov

Watching her be lost hurts me. Milo was being so stubborn and he didn't want to give me control back. As much as I wanted to hold her and be with her, instead, I had to deal with Milo and let her be comforted by Caden.
"It's not my fault you don't know how to be a good Alpha" Milo sneered.
"Don't you dare ever say that again! Get out of my head I have to concentrate here." I pushed him to the far back of my head and turned to look at Lance. He gave me a signal and I nodded.
"Alpha Ayden what is this about finding dead bodies around the border?" One of the council members asked.
"I was going to discuss it with you once I had more information. I have no idea why those bodies are being left there. They are dead by the time we get to the scene." I rubbed my face with my hand and looked at them.
"What about the attack at the border by the rogues?" the same guy asked.
"I was going to inform you about it as well"
"It left one of our pack members injured. There should've been an emergency meeting right away and where were you?"
"I was hurt in the fight as well by one of the rogues" I mumbled.
"So you don't think maybe call a council meeting to find out what the hell is going on here?"
I slammed my hand against the table and the room got quiet. I took a deep breath in and looked at him.
"Such pity. You have lost your power to these pathetic people" Milo taunted.
"It doesn't help that you lose your anger all the time making us look bad."
"I understand it was a mistake to not call a meeting" I sighed and they looked up at me.
"We have to find out who is placing them. Put more security. More warriors on the border." He said and they agreed.
"Putting more warriors outside means unbalancing the security throughout the city," I argued.
"It would be better to have them on the borders so they can be prepared for an attack it'll give us time to prepare the inside."
"You want to throw wolves on the border for sacrifice?" I asked dumbfounded.
"That's what they are trained for." He shrugged. I can feel the heat of anger building up inside me.
"How do you come here and tell me you want to sacrifice people? The balance of warriors we have right now is good. I don't want to put any of MY pack members in danger." I said through gritted teeth.
"They are already in danger being out there. They have to know that they are doing this for the safety of the pack. Their people. They knew what they were signing up for."
"I will NOT put any of MY members in danger. I will find another way to help this but I will not be sending warriors like that." I said my voice getting higher with every statement. Their heads bowed and it got quiet again.
"What about the strays?" Christina's voice spoke up.
"What about her?" I asked her.
"What's the deal with them? You are always together if not they are always with Caden or Lance. Plus they have their own private bedrooms that are off-limits including the rooms around them. What's with all the extra security?" She crossed her arms and smirked in my direction. She was trying to take advantage of the situation to get information out of me. I was not going to give her the satisfaction.
   "I'm thinking we might have look into that situation as well. We can't have anyone outside of the council living in the packhouse," She said to everyone around and I slammed my hand on the table to get their attention.
"You do that. and you will regret it" my voice was so low it filled the quiet room. All of them bowed their head including Lance and I stormed out of the room slamming the door behind me.
"You're losing them. You're losing everyone again. It's your fault" Milo yelled in my head. I stormed past everyone and headed straight to my room.
"You know how disappointed your father would be?! To see you have failed as an Alpha and now as a mate to your luna" I grabbed the vase in my room and threw it on the floor.
"Stop it!" I yanked my hair and growled.
"You can't take it. You can't take the Alpha power. Maybe they are right. You need to be stripped from the title"
"You know nothing! All you do is bother and nag in my head all day!" I argued back and he growled.
"I sure as hell will make a better Alpha. Maybe even a better mate to Jade."
"Don't you dare even say that!"
"She is scared of you. Deep down I can see it and you know it."
"You are the reason she is frightened! All you do is lose control and yell at everyone. Do you think that's the kind of Alpha everyone deserves?" I said and he smirked.
"Let's find out shall we?" He took over my body and pushed me to the back of my head.
"Let me be Alpha for a while. You'll see how things roll smoothly." His voice filled our empty bedroom.
"First stop, let's go visit Jade and get her away from Caden's arms." He snapped and walked out of the room.
He was completely in control now. No way I was getting it back any time soon. The last time this happened it was hours and this time it could be more. The Alpha power is too strong to control with my mentality. Milo was right, the Alpha power is too much for me. There was so much stuff on my plate I never learned to control him. It's as if he has a mind of his own. He headed downstairs and got to the girl's room. He didn't even bother knocking he slammed the door open. Skylar and Caden sat up and Jade was sleeping on the bed.
"Ayden? How was the meeting? Why didn't you let me know it was over?" Caden asked as he stood up.
"I don't need to be telling you everything. " Milo snarled at him.
"No.." Caden breathed out and stood up quickly.
"Time to take my mate. I don't need you taking care of her anymore" Milo said and walked over to the bed. Caden quickly stood in front of Jade and Skylar stood up confused.
"I won't let you take her Milo. You know if you run I won't be able to catch you. Ayden said to protect her with my life and that's what I will do." Caden declared and Milo laughed.
"Suit yourself. It's time you learn how to respect me. Ayden might let you joke around with him, but I am Alpha I will not let you treat me like a buddy" Milo chuckled, Caden stood up straight and didn't move from his position. Milo shoved him and they both fell to the floor.
"Milo you need to stop this. Skylar is getting scared and Jade might wake up" I reminded and he continued to rumble with Caden on the floor.
"Skylar? What's going on?' I heard her sleepy voice say.
"Mate!" Milo yelled and jumped up from Caden. We turned to look at Jade and she was standing up beside Skylar.
"Milo, you need to calm down you will scare them," Caden said cautiously. Lance walked in and went over to the girls.
"I don't need you to take care of MY mate anymore," Milo said and stroleld over towards Jade.
"Let me go with him" She spoke up.
"No, remember, this isn't Ayden this is Milo and he is more aggressive. We don't know what he might do with you. Ayden will get furious if you get hurt" Lance said and Milo growled.
"Do you think I am going to hurt my mate? I sure as hell can protect her more than puny Ayden." Milo laughed.
"I'll go with you just don't hurt them please" She begged. I hated seeing her like that. She was terrified of Milo hurting any of her friends. "Ayden I know you are in there somewhere you have to push past Milo and get control again."
"It's not that easy Jade. Being Alpha is so powerful Ayden hasn't learned to control Milo. That's why he can take over so easily." Caden explained.
"I don't care. I will go with him if it means he will leave you three alone." She stepped forward but Lance stopped her. She put her hand over his arm and moved it away gently. She walked over to the door and turned around to look back at us.
"Milo, are you coming?" She said in a seductive voice.
"Yes, I will Mon amour. Let me just teach them a lesson on how not to disobey their Alpha" Milo smirked. He turned to look at the other three who looked terrified to let Jade go. Skylar was shaking her head and holding Caden's arm.
"No!" his head snapped back to her and she looked nervous. "I mean, come on baby, I won't be waiting that long." She grabbed the bottom of her dress and started pulling it up. Milo ran to her in an instant and stood right in front of her.
"Don't you dare go any higher than that. I don't want anyone seeing what's mine" He growled.
"Follow me" She smiled and walked out of the room. The way her hips swayed hypnotized MIlo to follow her. I closed the door behind us and left everyone in there.

Jade's Pov

I had mindlinked Lance and Caden to stay back and watch over Skylar. They were hesitant, but agreed to do it. I grabbed Milo's hand and walked all the way to the fifth floor.
"Why did you stop?" Milo questioned impatiently.
"I need your permission to go upstairs from you" I turned around to look at him and he smirked.
"You don't need permission. You can go into my room whenever you want Mon Amour" He said. His voice was so low it made some slosh come out of me and he laughed.
"I can tell you're just as excited to go like me." He teased and I nodded. I grabbed his hand and put it on my hip.
"Let's go before anyone decides to interrupt. I'm going to show you what it is to be mine,"

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