Chapter 27

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Ayden's Pov

   "You are going to tell me what Jade meant earlier," I stated. Everyone sat down as soon as we stepped into my office. "You said some members would grope you and it would usually get stopped except what time?"
    "I don't want to talk about it," Jade said softly, she looked down and Skylar stayed silent.
   "It could help in this case. Anything that happened over there we need to show it as proof." I rested the papers on the desk and neither of them spoke up.
    "We want to get those girls out of there as soon as possible, but we need your help" I pushed.
   "It happened one night when I was feeling sick" Skylar spoke up. "I asked Jade if she can cover the rest of my chores so I can get some rest. We didn't have any access to medication so there was nothing I could do. I took a shower to relax and as I was getting my clothes, someone started knocking on the door. I didn't answer because usually, Jade wouldn't knock. Our door was barely stable so he was able to just waltz in. I was in my towel and he lunged at me making us both fall to the ground." She paused for a moment then spoke up again.
   "He unwrapped me from my towel and began touching me everywhere. He kissed me all over my chest and wandered his hands all over my body. I tried to scream, but he placed his hand on my mouth to prevent me. When I heard the door open and Jade came in I-" Her eyes went foggy for a bit and I looked at Jade.
    "No mindlink. You need to tell me the full truth," I said. I put my pen, which I was using to write notes, down and sighed. Skylar looked over at Jade nervously.
   "You have to promise not to get mad," Jade spoke up. The feeling of exertion was swimming in her eyes. It made my heart ache for her.
    "I'm already pissed. Do you think I like hearing what they did to you girls over there?" I raised my voice and she scowled. 
   "Ayden, You need to keep your cool," Lance asserted, my head snapped up to him and I glared.
    "Did you mindlink him as well?" I asked Jade.
   "Both of them. I told them to prepare for the next part of the story,"
    "How can it get worse?" She looked over at Skylar and nodded.
   "Jade came in and saw the situation. She tried knocking him off me, but being tiny and weak did nothing. He removed the hand he had on my breasts and slapped Jade across the face." The pen I had in my hand snapped and she stared at me with a wary look on her face. I cleared my throat and grabbed another pen.
   "Jade reminded him about it being illegal and wrong, so he called her desperate and went for her. He ripped her shirt off and pinned her against the wall. He reached under her bra and kissed all over her chest as well. Beta Alfred came in and yanked him off of her. He got furious at him and said he was taking him to Alpha Roy. He told us not to leave and Jade comfort me as I tried to calm down. Beta Alfred came back to ask what he did to us. When he was about to leave Jade thanked him and asked him for more food. Apparently, she was bringing me food but dropped it during the incident. He got mad because we were asking for favors and took Jade," I was gripping the pen so tight it broke again. I threw it against the floor and Skylar got startled. I ran my hand threw my hair and sighed.
 "She's been touched! That fucker in the pack touched our mate!" Milo yelled in my head. " We have to go back and kill him!"
    "Milo stop yelling! I'm trying to keep my cool!" I growled.
   "Ayden, Milo?" Caden questioned.
    My breathing was heavy and I kept my gaze on the papers in front of me. I can't believe what they went through there. This should be enough evidence to at least get them out of there and have the girls in a different place. I can make my case to get them in my pack another time. My priority was to get them out of there now.
   "I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth. "Where did they take you?" I turned my attention to Jade. Her beautiful purple eyes looked up at me with sorrow.
    "To the place outside the packhouse that I told you about. I saw the guy who attacked Skylar in there. He was strapped to a chair and they put me in a room where they chained me to the wall. He beat me up all night to teach me a lesson on not to ask for favors. I didn't heal for days." Tears were streaming down her face and Skylar hugged her.
   "Ayden let me out this second! I have to go back there now!" Milo yelled.
    "Milo! You're going to scare them! You have to stop!"
   "No! You have to stop being a wimp and just go deal with it yourself!"
    "I will not let you take over!"

   "Ayden?" Lance questioned. I was gripping the desk so hard it cracked. They stood up and walked toward the girls. I ripped off a piece of the desk and threw it against the wall.
   "Girls, it's time to go," Caden urged and they stood up. 
    "Milo she's leaving you need to calm down," I said. Milo stood us up and they turned to look at us.
   "No wait let me try calming him down," Jade stammered. Caden stepped in front of her and I growled.
    "Jade right now he is internally fighting with Milo. If he goes into a rampage we might not be able to stop him" Lance said and my head snapped towards him.
   "She knows about those!?!" My voice was a mix of mine and Milo's which means he was taking over. Lance grabbed Skylar and Caden grabbed Jade.
    "Let her go!" Milo yelled. He was fully in control now and I know it was scaring her.
   "Milo we can bring her back later. You need to calm down." Caden was being vigilant.
    "Stop disobeying your Alpha!" Milo walked over to them and they scurried out of the room. They closed the door just as he reached out for her. Milo growled, making the room shake, and threw an item across the room.
   "I told you that you would scare her" I argued with him. He paced back and forth in the room trying to hold back from storming after her.
    "It's your fault! We could've looked for her if you weren't so stubborn to look for your mate!"
   "She just turned eighteen! How would we have found her!?"
    "We would know! You knew from the moment you saw her!"
He stormed towards the window and looked out at the city.
   "We haven't even showed her around and we might lose her" I sighed bitterly.
    "Just know that if we do, it was your fault," He shifted and jumped out of the window and ran into the woods. 

Jade's Pov

The door shut behind us and there was a crashing noise inside the room.
   "You're going to leave him alone?" I questioned angrily.
    "It's what we do. Jade, on the first rampage we tried calming him down and he hurt us badly. He felt really bad the next day and stayed away from us for two weeks. Who knows what he would think if he hurt you girls." Lance said.
   "I thought you said he never hurt you?" Skylar asked.
    "Let's go back to your room. I don't want anyone to hear us." Caden replied. We walked down to our room in silence and shut the door behind us.
   "How are you so sure no one will hear us here?" Skylar crossed her arms.
    "Your room is barricaded. No one goes near here." Lance said.
   "How did Christina get here last time?" I asked.
    "We still don't know how she did that, but don't worry, it won't happen again,"
   "Can we go back to when you said Ayden hurt you? What happened to 'He never hurt us'?" Skylar quoted him.
    "His first rampage happened when his father died. He lost control and we tried to stop him. When we attempted to go near him, he threw us across the room and reminded us who was Alpha. Caden got a splint for his wrist and I got a broken rib." Lance sighed.
   "He went on to destroy the whole room and part of the other rooms on the same floor. He ran out into the woods and disappeared for hours. He took it out on all the trees and came back to realize what he had done. He apologized to us and helped fix all the damage. He didn't talk to us for two weeks and locked himself in his room." Caden continued.
    "He communicated with us through notes he never wanted to mindlink. Some warriors and pack members thought he wasn't stable enough and created the council. He was really upset but understood why it had to be done. He felt guilty the whole time and to this day regrets it" Lance finished.
   "It was just as bad when his mother died. He was the one who found her. It's been hard for him." Caden commented.
   "I'm guessing having all the Alpha duties didn't make it better?" I asked.
    "Don't forget about the council pushing him to find a mate." Lance reminded me.
   "That explains the anger issues and why he is so stressed all the time" Skylar shrugged. "So what do we do now? We just wait for him?"
    "There is nothing much we can do. I don't want to do anything that will get him more upset. He needs to calm down from this first." Caden explained. "Hearing what they did to your girls is never easy on him."
   "How are you so calm?" I asked curiously.
    "We have no other choice. If all three of us go rampage who knows, the council might even decide to strip us of our titles" Lace rubbed his face with his hands.
   "They can do that? Why does the council have so much power?" Skylar asked.
    "It's an agreement that they came up with at the beginning. Once everything settles it won't be like that anymore." I nodded and laid back on the couch.
   "Is there any way we can have a tour?" I asked.
    "Of the pack house? I guess we can, we never got to finish the original one" Lance shrugged.
   "No, I mean of the city. I have only seen it from afar and it makes me curious to see what's out there." I smiled and Skylar nodded.
    "Nope sorry girls. I just said we need to keep still until Ayden comes back." Caden said firmly.
   "Oh come on! You said he leaves for hours sometimes. We will be back before he gets home," Skylar begged. They stayed quiet and sighed.
    "Sorry girls we can't do that," Lance said.
   "How is Jade supposed to be Luna if she doesn't even know her way around the city?' Sylar said and I looked over at her.
   "Don't use the luna card!" I exclaimed.
    "I thought it could work" She shrugged.
   "Well, she isn't luna yet. Ayden is Alpha and we don't want to disobey. Once you do officially become Luna we can discuss whose rules we follow" Caden smirked.
    "How do I officially become Luna?" I asked.
   "We will have a Luna ceremony. Alpha Ayden presents you in front of the whole pack as his mate and their Luna. We need to see if they accept you. Then, he will have someone officiate the whole thing." Lance finished explaining.
    "That's not that bad. I've seen the dining room packed I can handle being in front that many people. I'm nervous to see if they accept me," I shrunk back into the couch.
   "Darling that's not the whole pack. They won't all fit here with those tables." Caden remarked.
    "It's only for the ones that can fit. We make sure no one is there constantly so everyone can have a chance to eat there." Lance said and I smiled.
   "Why don't you guys just make it bigger?" Skylar asked. 
    "Ayden didn't want to make the building bigger. He doesn't want to disturb the space outside they use for playing or training." Caden explained and we nodded. "That's why we make sure everyone can get the opportunity to eat there"
   "Well, maybe we can just take a tour of the packhouse? Explain more of that to us and maybe more werewolf facts?" Skylar asked, excitement running through her eyes and they nodded. We got up and headed downstairs to begin the tour.

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