Chapter 50

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Ayden's P.O.V.

When I saw her fall down It was as if the world stopped turning.
"No!" Milo yelled and completely took over me. He began to run over to her and killed anyone who was in the way. I could see someone dragging her away again. I got pulled away from her sight and lost her. Panic began to set in.
"Caden Where are you? I need you to track down Jade,"
"I brought Christina and Jason to custody. Wasn't Jade brought back to the packhouse?"
"She came back to fight. I told her to stay and she didn't listen to me. I lost her and I can't track her scent,"
"Say no more. I am tracking her as we speak,"
I kept fighting off wolves until they stopped coming.
"Lance where are you?"
"I got word of some wolves on the south. Almost done here," "Meet me on the north side,"
"Caden, what's the update?"
"She is near. I don't understand where all these wolves keep coming from,"
"Where are you?"
I heard some fighting noises and made my way over. I saw him shove someone off and walk toward me.
"Her scent is blocked. It's hard for me to keep track,"
"Whoever has her is not going to be living when I meet them,"
"Ayden get to the entrance now," Lance said.
I didn't waste any time. The closer I got the stronger my connection with her was. When I saw her laying on the floor I ran toward her but was pushed away. I got up and looked around. There were a couple of people in human form and in wolf form.
"Alpha Ayden! Nice of you to finally join us,"
Why did that voice sound familiar? Someone was coming out from behind the wolves and I felt my blood boil as soon as my eyes met his.
"Here. I brought you a pair of shorts so we can talk," Roy tossed something my way and I didn't move. "Or we can skip straight to the fun part," He walked toward Sara and I growled. He raised his hands up in defense and smirked. I shifted out of my form and put on the shorts.
"Give her back to me," Milo said.
"You'll get her back. Whether she is alive or not that's your decision," Lance and Caden were on my side including some of our warriors.
"What do you want?" I spat at him.
"You took something from me and now it's my turn," He clapped and turned to look at Caden.
"I need you to bring me, my brilliant friends, who came up with this plan,"
"What are you talking about?" I asked him.
"Well, Christina and Jason of course! Without their help, I wouldn't have been able to do this,"
Caden turned to look at me and growled.
"They are being kept away from here. You'll never get them," He laughed and shook his head.
"Alpha Ayden, you never truly opened your eyes to see what's going on around you," He pointed to the side and Christina was walking back with Jason.
"How could that be! I made sure they were being held!" Caden yelled. He walked forward and I put my hand out for him to stop.
"Cut the shit. What do you want?" I was getting impatient. Seeing Sara unconscious on the floor made me worry about her state. I could see her faintly breathing.
"You see, I had been Alpha for years. Way more than you. So don't you think the pack you have right now deserves someone more experienced?"
"If you think you're taking over Alpha for this pack then you better keep dreaming because that is not happening,"
"You don't even know what's going on most of the time. Pack members disappearing for days. People's concerns are not being met with answers. Do you really think you will ever be like your father? He was a true Alpha, a warrior,"
"Don't you dare talk about my father! You have no right!" He laughed and shook his head.
"Warrior," He scoffed. "Your father died in vain. If only he knew how much you have destroyed the pack he worked for every day of his life," He stood up straight and looked at the wolves around me. "Do you even know how your father died? All of your fathers?" He pointed at Lance and Caden as well.
"What does this have to do with any of it? Just give me Jade and leave," I said and he shook his head.
"No. No! This is the point. You don't even know the truth You aren't fit to be Alpha," He walked over to Christina and pulled her to the front.
"Her father is the reason they are all dead,"
"What? My father died with them. It's not possible" She looked back at him confused and he laughed.
"You are all silly little kids. No one knows the truth." He rubbed his temples as he thought of what to say next.
"My father was there. He saw everything. Her father betrayed yours. He led them to a trap. He is the reason they are all dead!" He yelled and laughed. Christina looked frantically between us and him. I looked at Caden and Lance. This can't be happening. He has to be lying. How can his father even know this?
"My father was in the opposite group. He was in the group that was in charge of killing them. Once the deed was done Christina's father was demanding more than what he promised and got himself killed,"
Traitor blood runs through her veins. I won't believe Roy and everything he says but it would explain a lot.

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