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How can you keep doing this? Can you keep it up for much longer? Are you insane?


You know they are. Crazy bastards. For the last four months you've been stalked. they know that you know. And they taunt you with it, they tease and test you.

How would you ever explain this to anyone?  You cant what if they hurt them?! You wouldn't get close to anyone for there safety. The only thing you know about them is that they are obsessed with you and it's awful, they never leave never gone, always watching you...

You are (y/n) you're 20 years old and still live with your mother, But you plan on moving out soon. For her safety. She wanted you to stay she really did. And you would've if they weren't there. Its all for her, to keep her safe..

She was always scared to be alone much like you, but you two had completely different reasons she was scared to be left alone because she had no idea how to be alone and she needed you, you on the other hand were scared to be left alone because of your stalkers.

How could you get out of this anyway you didn't think there was a way out.. Other then death but you didn't want that... No else seems to notice them..


You were going to sleep or rather fake sleep for hours until you passed out, you've mastered it at this point, finding yourself never wanting to sleep for to long, for you could never know what would happen if you did.

You brushed your teeth and your hair and changed into your pj's it was your least favourite part of your nightly routine the feeling of being watched while you did, it almost had you shaking, almost, you didn't want to let them know you knew they were there.

You climbed into your bed and covered yourself with your (f/c) blanket and laid down you took your phone off the charger to see if you had any notifications, none, your are a pretty lonely person so you understood. You looked through your Instagram feed. Nothing interesting.

You sighed and put your phone back onto the charger and shifted onto your back you stared at the ceiling. Your room was dark you had always left this window open in summer but, you had stopped soon after you found out you were being stalked.

It was hot though and your fan had stopped working awhile ago, you would have to ask your mother for a new one. You decide against opening the window however you were incredibly thirsty.

You sat up in your bed and pushed the covers off. you stood up and walked past the window to your bedroom door. You thought you saw something? You looked back and surely something was there.

You should have stayed in bed, there he was the one with the white mask with the surprised eyebrows and the very feminine looking lips. You stared at him in shock and backed away into the wall. He was right there near the window watching you. How did you not notice him?! He tapped his finger against the window.

You were shaking at this point you know he was teasing you. Tears well up in your eyes and you ran out of your room into your mother's. Trembling as you enter your mothers room.

"(y/n)?! Don't you know how to knock?" She says a little shocked, she then looks at your face seeing how distressed you look. "Whats wrong honey..?" Your mother says worried. You look at her and the tears start spilling from your eyes.

"M-Mom!" You run to her and and give her a hug burying your face in her shoulder.

She let out a small gasp from the sudden contact. "(y/n), honey clam down.." She says in a calming voice and wraps her arms around you rubbing small circles into your back in a attempt to get you to clam down. "(y/n) tell me what happend, why are you crying?" She says in a soothing voice.

Your breaking, you cant hide it anymore, you dont want to. You cave in. "M-mom please t-there was a man outside my window, p-please mom! I have to t-tell something..!" You say, and your sobbing at this point.

"A man? What do you mean, a man?" She questions you, shocked at your words You let go of her.

You rub away your tears and wipe your face. "I've seen him before, its a stalker mom!"

She stares at you dumb founded. What were you talking about she thought you were insane. You needed help. "(y/n) there is no one stalking you, what are you talking about? I would've noticed."

"Mom you have to believe me, plus your not home enough to know!" You were gonna cry again she, didn't believe you your own mother thought you were insane.

"(y/n)... its probably just some asshole playing a prank on you.. go back to your room i cant deal with this right now."

"Mom im telling you the truth!!" You said almost yelling she sighed and looked at.

"You've had a long day go to bed."

"but-!" She cut you off.

"bed now!" She raised her voice at you and walked away.


(I have gotta say this, I understand when you see bad spelling it makes you frustrated and you feel the need to correct it, but I have dyslexia and I can't spelling everything right. I do try and proof read now but it is hard when I write all my storys on my phone AND I have dyslexia. Please just move on if the spelling bothers you becasue it is really annoying when you get corrected on it like 20 times. Thank you)

(I have to update this again. I don't want to hear about your problems. No one else wants to hear about your problems while reading. If you need to vent however I will talk with you and offer helpful suggestions. I just get sick of hearing the same bs all the time. You guys are great? Thanks for reading. But I don't want to here about everyone that happened to you when you were a child.)

(Updating the book because its kinda of shitty in the beginning)

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