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                           Running. God your legs hurt so much and he was right behind you. You turned on your heel and you swear you could feel him try to grab you. Get to Tim get to Tim and your done for today. You hated unneeded running.

He was back at the cabin. You could see him smoking on the porch he gave you a small teasing wave. Well fuck you to bud. Your lungs were not having it. You stumbled a bit but quickly regained balance. You looked behind you your turn seemed to throw him off a bit but he was still super close.

You eventually got onto the porch. You leans against the railing and and huffed for air you were fairly quick for someone who hasn't run like that since high school.

Brian stepped on the porch not to long after you and patted you on the back. As kinda a way to say you won or good job.

"Your a lot faster then I thought.." Brian commented.

"Y-yeah I get that a lot-" You said out of breath. Brian only looked like he was slightly sweating. His breathing patterns were not as deferent then his normal ones his was just breathing a little faster now..

You knew his breathing patterns form hours of watching him. It sounds super creepy but there was not much to do when he was laying beside you. After the bath tub incident he's been more affectionate. So has Tim and I mean more then the comforting hugs and head pats.

He now gave you small kisses on the cheek and cuddles with you. He seems super touch starved, actually both of them did. Whenever they touch you it's like they don't want to stop but also don't really want to. They seem uncomfortable for the first but then melt into it. Even if it was there idea..

You wanted so bad to hate them.. But you couldn't.

You had no idea why either. You just felt wanted here. These awful awful people have you almost head over heels for them.

"You did good." Tim said and finished his cigarette. You nodded your head and went back inside you felt sweaty a shower was needed.
So far training has just been walking out to the car the running back to the house. But sometimes you would climb trees or try and get in and out of the house without them hearing you. You were no where as good as them but they said for a beginner you were great. And they weren't just saying that to boost your ego.(they were)

You sat down on the couch. They still haven't told you why you needed this and every time  you ask they brush it off and say they'll tell you later

The hallucinations have not stopped but your seeing less of your mother. Her words are harsh and so awful... When she was alive she could be rude sometimes but this was a whole nother level.

You sighed and stood up. Walking down the hallway into Tim's room.

"Tim..?" You waited for him to look up, he did though it took a second. "Please stop brushing it off... If you don't answer my question properly this time i'm not going to talk to you."

"(y/n)... It's complicated.. I don't know if you'll even believe it. And talking about it makes things worse."

"If it's all ready getting bad the most this would do is speed up the process a bit no?" When he didn't say anything you sighed. "And wouldn't you want me to be ready? If it's as bad as you make it sound I should know-" He cut you off before you could finish.

"Yeah I understand... Well, oh god how do I even start..?" You waited for him to give you your answer. "Fuck, so you know that thing and the symbols you been drawing or seeing more recently..?" You nodded your head. "Okay... So that's a sign of slender sickness. Also the coughing and the headache.."

"What do you mean by 'slender sickness'?" You questioned, he seemed very uncomfortable at the moment.

"Don't repeat it.." Brian said making you jump a little you didn't even hear him come in...

"It's a sign of the Operator, It's marking you. It makes us how we are.."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Uhm you can guess..?"

You could but you would like to be told flat out. They most likely meant how they didn't die or why they were murderers...
Or many of the other things like how the were super strong and were unusually fast. I'm not one to talk though.. It almost as if they had supernatural powers. After that whole conversation things started to make sense. But it also made thing more confusing.

Tim was right it was hard to believe. But after killing them and then them coming back for you it was a little easier to believe.

You didn't really want to become one of this things 'proxies' but you didn't really have much of a choice. It was either submit or be severely punished.And by the way they described it, it was a lot worse then what they've done to you... And they were fucking cruel.

You huffed and got off the bed. You needed some air.

You weren't really allowed to do this but you didn't care. You leaned against the railing and took in your the view it wasn't much but it was beautiful the trees just look so nice. And so did the moon.

The stars were amazing too.. You could actually see them out here, in town you couldn't see them as good.


That time you knew he was there. If i was a killer that would be his fatale mistake. Don't think like that.. You'll have to sooner or later.

"Brian..?" You questioned. And you heard him let out a small chuckle. What was so funny?

"You heard me that time. I must be getting bad." He joked. "Anyways why aren't you inside? You know you gave me a mini heart attack when I didn't see you in your room right?"

"Heh, sorry about that..." You nervous laughed.

"Why didn't you try to leave?" He suddenly blurted out. You didn't knows Actually you did, you had feelings for them and couldn't leave them anymore. No matter how much your brain wanted it your heart wouldn't allow it to. You hated that so much. But you loved them so much...

"Why would I? I don't have anything else I realized that after getting to town, there was no point in being there if there were no people I cared about were there."

"You care about us then?"

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now