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"Huh what..?" You groaned and rubbed your eyes trying to wake yourself up. You opened your eyes and looked at the person who woke you up. It was the man form last night. Toby was it? Yeah that's right. "Did you need something.?" You asked groggily.

"Brian and Tim left a l-little while ago.." He said. Wow no goodbye? Rude..

"Oh... alright." You were confused as to why he woke you up was he just lonely. You definitely knew that feeling... "So Toby why'd you wake me up?" You asked in a calm tone as to not come off as hostile.

He didn't respond at first it took a minute maybe he didn't know why he woke you up. You gave him a small smile that said patients or 'take your time'.

"I-I just thought you should g-get up. It's getting l-late and you s-shouldn't sleep all day.?" Toby said. Though it sounded all more like he was questioning the whole thing and trying to find an excuse.

"Ah, we'll thank you... Could you um take me downstairs?" You hated asking to be moved around it was so awkward. Toby nodded as you sat up. And he picked you up and headed down the stairs.

He set you down on the couch you would probably stay here for most of the day. He went to the kitchen and took out a plate form the fridge it was eggs and bacon. You assumed Brian and Tim prepared a whole bunch of food for you two...

Toby brought the plate over to you and you began to eat. After eating you felt an urge to talk to him. Like you thought before maybe he wasn't like them.. Maybe.

"Thanks," You said and he nodded. "So... Did they pay you to watch me or..?" You asked you were a little scared also intimidated by him he was a lot taller you didn't know him and he also still had his mask on.

"I wish they w-would pay me, but n-no I owed t-them a favour.." He said quietly.

"Ah I see.."  you replied.

You've been on the couch all day like you said you would be. Toby had went upstairs to garb two books form your room. One for him to read and the other for you. You've been reading with him for about and hour. He seems so bored I get it reading is pretty boring but it was our only option.

"Toby how do you know Tim and Brian..?" You asked out of the blue. He looked at you then closed his book.

"Work." He stated.

"They had jobs.??" you muttered out. You didn't know cause they were like always here. Toby nodded his head. "Well what do you guys do for work?" You we're trying to find answers well obviously.

"I-it's none of y-your concern.." It didn't come of as rude like it probably should've. You sighed and nodded your head.

"I'm hungry." You said and Toby rolled his eyes.

"Right." He stood up and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out an apple. That wouldn't make you full but apples were good so you didn't mind to much.

He walked back into the living room and hands you the apple and you mutter out and thank you before taking a bite.

After finishing the apple you decided you would try to get answers out of him. He seemed somewhat naive and cold to people he didn't know though he treated you like any other person. Most likely on Tim and Brian's request. Get closer get answers.

"So Toby," You paused thinking of a question. "Do you live around here or do you live in town?" you gave a sweet smile.

"H-here I guess.." He mumbled out. Then he picked up his book and began reading. You weren't done asking things. You once heard that asking simple questions can form some sort of bond. Which is why you needed to ask.

"Do you like music?"

"I haven't l-listened to m-much." He was just answering questions paying only enough attention to you to be able to not completely ignore you.

"Oh! Well I have a mp3 player in my room if you would want to listen to any of my music." you offered he just nodded and went back to reading.

Stuff was so boring Toby had left upstairs for awhile you didn't know what he was doing maybe snooping. Which is fair you weren't going to judge him. Soon enough though he came down with stuff in his hands mostly stuff form your room. Like your sketch book and your mp3 player and your head phones also a couple pens and your nail polish. You assumed it was all to entertain you.

"S-so you got my room.." He said as he set the stuff down on the coffee table. What did he mean did he live here before me?

"Oh you lived here?"

"Yeah a-awhile ago, I moved out"

"Oh cool!"

You grabbed your sketch book and ripped a page out and set it by Toby in case he wanted to draw too. You grabbed a pen and began to draw a person you had never seen them but they looked nice. Shortly after you started drawing so did Toby you couldn't see what he was drawing because he covered it but you could assume stuff. Like maybe he was drawing a person too someone he knew or a compete stranger.

You pushed your sketch book away you were done drawing for now. So you grabbed your mp3 player and headphones. Plugging them in you hit play and the song touch tone telephone started playing. You laid your head on the table and watched Toby draw it had been awhile since he started drawing maybe he was close to done now.

He stopped drawing for a second to stare at you and you gave him a small smile. He shook his head and went back to drawing. A couple minutes later he was done he thought about something before he picked it up and showed you. It was pretty good it was you.

"That looks just like me!" You said with fake excitement. Giving good reactions will make him like you more... You assumed he smiled but you couldn't tell because he was still wearing his mask. Why'd he wear the mask? You didn't know maybe it was a self confidence thing. Maybe you should ask... Not yet get closer first. You yawned and stretched your arms not your legs though because there fucking broken. (L) speaking of which you needed someone to check if you would be able to walk again sometime soon.

"Toby i'm tired could you please take me upstairs?" You asked softly. Maybe there was some murder doctor they knew. Toby picked you up walked upstairs and set you on your bed.

(hey guysss sorry for the lack of updates ik really running out of ideas hhhh)

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