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                     Brian was still clinging onto you it had been an hour you were pretty sure he had fallen asleep. But you couldn't be to sure because he had his mask on. That must be very uncomfortable..

You slowly raised your hand up. If he was awake he will stop you, you reasoned with yourself. You pushed his hood of and waited a second. He didn't move or stir. Why were you doing this even,? You had no idea you just felt he would be more comfortable without it.. You began gently tugging the mask off. He moved half way through taking it off and you stop for a minute before continuing pulling his mask off.. You stared at his features you missed his face.. He was so handsome and hand such a kind smile...

What..? Stoping thinking like that..! Dummy.. Your not in the right head space these thoughts will go away soon. Hopefully...

You stayed staring at his face. Your sure if he was awake he would be teasing you about it. Something along the line of 'you like what you see,?' or 'take a picture it will last longer'.

You let out a small gasp when he moved his head back into your shoulder. Had you woken him up with your staring!? No, no he was still asleep.. You sighed in relief.

He would probably be confused when he woke up or even angry. Would an angry Brian first thing in the morning make you feel better? No, it wouldn't. Actually The only thing in this situation that would make you feel better would be if Toby was here. But to be honest you didn't think you were ever going to see Toby again..

You wandered why Tim didn't come inside when you and Brian got here. Did he even come inside at all? You don't know. He probably did, Why are you worried anyways?

You stared at the celling and sighed. You were super tired.. But you didn't want to sleep around him. Even though your brain told you it was okay and you were safe you didn't feel safe.

You hated this so much.. But at the same time you missed it. Well maybe not the abuse or manipulation but the other things. You did actually enjoy some of the time that was spent with them at the old place. And you hated that too... You shouldn't have enjoyed anything there. They are awful people who hurt you and the people you loved.

They should also be dead, literately. You were still so confused as to how they survived that. There heads did like a whole 180 it was disgusting.. You wanted to puke when you saw it.

Speaking of that Tim most likely won't talk to you for awhile because of that... Did you feel bad, yes, did they deserve it, also yes. Now why would you feel bad if they deserved it? I don't know maybe because looked painful and you hated inflicting pain on others? Actually that seems reasonable, i'll you off the hook this time.
When you woke up Brian was sitting on the edge of the bed staring at his hands? Maybe or something that was in his hands you couldn't tell. You wanted to sit up but didn't want him to know you were awake incase he was angry about the mask.

Apparently the universe still hated. Brian turned to look at you his face was red. You must have been s serial killer in your last life. Was he mad or embarrassed you couldn't exactly tell.

"(y/n).. Did you take my mask off last night..?" He asked s You didn't want to talk to him so you just nodded your head. You wanted to give your reasoning but you weren't going to because your going to be petty and not talk to them for awhile. He let out a him then got up and left the room.

You were a little surprised he didn't. scold you or anything. Well since you didn't have anything to do... You walked over to the closet and pulled your suitcase out. And started unpacking, it was definitely fuller then when they first brought it. They did bye you quit a few thing while you were at the old cabin. Maybe they thought it would make you like them better... Your dad did that too, he always was alway for work so when he came home he always had gifts for you. Eventually he realized that doesn't make up for him not being there. (i'm not projecting you are!)
But you couldn't blame him to much it was to keep the family stable.

There were some clothes hangers in the closet. You decided that's were you would put heavy clothes like sweaters and jeans. The clock was in here... You went over to the night stand and found a plug-in. (did i ever say it was a digital clock? well in my mind that's what it's been-) You pulled the suitcase towards you and put the rest of your clothes in the bottom drawer. And you placed the rest of you stuff in the top drawer. Your hygiene stuff wasn't in here so they must've already put it in the bathroom...



"You've unpacked your things? It's almost like you want to stay here.."

"Shut up! You know as well as I know i'm not getting out again!" You snapped at her.

"But you could try?! Did my death mean nothing to you?!"

"I said shut up!" You yelled out. You quickly realized your mistake when Tim came through the door.

"Hey what's wrong..?" You didn't look at him.

"Yeah what's wrong?" She taunted. "Aren't you gonna answer?"


Tim seemed confused. But quickly remembered what Toby had told him.

"(y/n).." He placed a hand on your shoulder and you flinched. You didn't mean to you just weren't used to him being gentle.

"Don't let him touch you! Did I teach you nothing?!! Don't let anyone touch you no mater who they are!!" She screeched at you.

"You did not teach me anything useful..."

You were ignoring Tim. You were going to act like he wasn't there. You were going to get beaten sooner or later so you weren't going to try and make amends before then. The last time you tried they still smashed your legs.

What were they going to do this time...? It was scary to think about.

Tim pulled you into a hug and sat down. He wrapped one arm around you and used the other to play with your hair. You should shave it so he couldn't do that anymore- No you enjoyed this.. Not really but it was calming you down a bit.

(if y'all can find the song reference i will marry you/j oh hint it's a tv girl song also there was one in the chapter walking and if you can point out this one and that one i will post to chapters today)

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now