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You don't now how many days had passed since Tim had punched you in the face maybe like four? Which is also the amount of days since you've eaten after the breakfast Brian made you, you refused to eat.

Nobody came to bug you but Brian. He occasionally came to check on you he never said anything though. Brian just watched you to make sure you weren't dead.

You could hear most of there conversations through the walls. They didn't seem to talk to each other much after Tim punched you.

At least your nose wasn't broken. Like his.

Things here sucked you missed your house your room and your Mom. Why couldn't they just leave her. She was asleep she wouldn't have noticed you were gone until the morning.

You could feel your face become wet. You were crying. Sitting up and wiping your face you looked around the room the door was open you could go downstairs and explore. But you didn't exactly want to end up seeing Tim or Brian.

Sighing you stood up and walked to your window. It was still nailed shut if only you had packed something useful. Something that could rip nails out.

Like a fork. Though the metal would probably bend to easily...


You jumped and turned around. The loud noise came form downstairs. You walked over to the door and creaked open the door and looked down the stairwell. Nothing.

For all you know this could be a plan to lure you out of your room. It probably wasn't but then again you could never be to sure.

You opened your door further and walked down the stairs your legs felt weak. Probably form not walking and eating.

Reaching the end of the stairs you grabbed and peered around the wall on the living room side no one was there. Then the kitchen side.

You currently look like a child stalking your house guests. You looked into the kitchen and saw Tim.

You didn't want to see him from the looks of it he hand dropped a plate and it broke so you assumed he was mad though you couldn't see his face.

You were going to head back upstairs to get away form him but he whipped his head around. He looked super mad but his expression softened when he saw you.

"What are you doing??" He said as his brows furrowed together.

"I- uhm," You learned you should always respond to them. Even if it wasn't a real answer.

Tim shook his head and picked up the things he dropped or the bigger pieces of the ceramic pieces Tim then leaned against the counter and motioned for you come over there. You really didn't want to but you would rather not get punched again.

Walking over to him was stressful you fidgeted with your finger nails and looked to the floor. Stopping in front of him you heard him sigh and shift.

"Look at me." He said in a threatening tone. And you did just that you looked right up at him you didn't want to get hurt again. His hand moved towards you and you flinched. He frowned at this and took your chin into his hand as he inspected your face.

"It's not even that bad." He spoke calmly. You nodded your head or tried to it was kinda hard to with his hand under your chin.

"Uhm.. May I have something to eat?" You asked softly. Tim dropped his hand to his side and nodded.

Tim moved towards the fridge and pulled you along.

He opened the doors on the fridge and moved to the side so you could see in. "What do you feel like having."

You looked around the fridge to be honest there wasn't much snack foods mostly stuff that needed to be peppered or stuff you couldn't really eat.

"A (f/s) sandwich.." You almost whispered lucky it was just loud enough for Tim to hear.

"Alright, uh.. Wait at the counter. Okay?" You nodded and sat on one of the stools. You were hungry but didn't exactly feel like eating a heavy meal so this would be better.

After a minute or two, Tim had been done making your sandwich he placed the plate down in front of you along with a glass of water.

"Thank you." You said and took a bite of your sandwich. It wasn't any special. When you finished your sandwich you drank half the water before thinking something you probably shouldn't be.

"Tim,?" You waited for some kind of response which came in the form of a hum. "I know I upset you but, do you think you could get me a clock for my room..?" You said quietly.

"Keep behaving and i'll absolutely get you one." He said plainly. Why did your face light up so much it was just a clock but you couldn't help but smile a bit.

Tim seemed to notice you smiling and he grinned. You didn't really like this but if you are happy or seem happy there is less of a chance getting hurt.

Brian came downstairs and stared at you and Tim. "Oh look princess is finally out of her room!" He cheered. Your smile never dropped so fast. "What not happy to see me?" Brian tilted his head. Of course your not happy to see him he killed your Mother, kidnapped you and stalked you for God knows how long.

You turned your head back to your glass of water. And Brian made his way over to you sitting on the stool next to yours. He hand his head in his hands and his elbows on the counter top. He had the most sweet smile he looked like a lovesick puppy.

It made you sick to your stomach. How could someone so vile have such an innocent smile? You dropped your head staring at your hands instead of looking at them.

They didn't seem to mind just as long as you were there. With them. Forever. They started talking you drowned them out only thoughts on how you could leave this place.

Getting the to trust you is your first goal. You need them to trust you.

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now