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                  You could now take steps only two or three though. Your legs had gotten so used to not walking you weren't able to stand for long without holding onto something or your legs giving out. But this was great you were one step closer to freedom.

You stuck to practicing at night just in case they would hear you. Your legs hurt so much.. You let yourself fall back onto the bed. Letting out a sigh you wondered how much longer it would be till your escape. You wanted to leave so bad but you were also dreading the day. You had no idea what they would do if they caught you this time. Well after you kill them they can't catch you. What if they stop me before i'm able to actually do it?

You could your bring yourself to kill anyone..? Wouldn't that make you just as bad as them? No you remember what Toby said. You would saving many people if you did so..? Wait Toby.. Would you have to get rid of him too?

No Toby won't interfere with your escape. You missed Toby a lot. Tim and Brian babied you to much.

You looked around the room. You were so close to being able to leave. You needed sleep.
Your symptoms have gotten a lot worse you were starting to draw the symbols a lot more often. Your headache and coughing fits were getting worse. You started seeing him more you even began hallucinating. They could only do so much to slow down the sickness. It wouldn't stop it cannot be stopped. They were going to have to explain it you soon.
You missed sitting on the couch with Toby all day. You were out of your room often when Tim and Brian were 'taking care' of you. They always came into your room to give you things or talk. Sometimes if your lucky you get to eat breakfast with them. Only if you wake up early though.

"(y/n)?" Tim called form the other side of the door.


He opened the door and walked in. He sat down beside you. "So we're running low on food. And it's my turn to get it. Would you like to come with me to get it?" You would absolutely love that. You needed to get out of the house.

"Really?!" You exclaimed (is that the right word?). He nodded and ruffled your hair he stood up and walked away. Before he left he told you to get ready. And you did you left your hair undone though so Tim could do it. It was kinda like a way of saying thank you.
Tim stepped out of the car and went around the back to get your wheelchair. He popped the trunk open and pulled the chair he wheeled it over to your door. He opened the door and gently pulled you out. He sat you down on the chair. And wheeled you into Walmart the land off weirdos. (that was mostly a joke) (my friend says tim has to many dad traits i swear i don't have daddy issues [liar])
After wheeling you around for a while he found it hard to have to wheel both you can the cart. So he let you wheel yourself around not without some sweet threats of course.

We were mostly picking up food but sometimes you would pass something you wanted and looked at it for a minute. And Tim would sigh and put it in the cart. (oml wait no i see it now...)

We had just come to the shoe area Tim said they needed new boots there's were wearing out. (no i don't know all the different there's and if you correct me i will sob)

"Hey (y/n) did you want a pair of shoes too? Your legs should be fully healed in a month or so." He knew your legs were healing, you would have to leave sooner then planned. Shit.

"Yeah sure," You scanned over the shoes and found a nice pair of f/c sneakers. You wouldn't be doing so much running or walking but still. You pointed toward the sneakers. "How about those ones?" He nodded and went to grab them. He placed them in the cart and started moving again.

"(y/n) you've really got to pay me back some time.. Your so expensive." He joked.

"What those were only 17 dollars!!" you joked back with him. Tim was fun to joke around with sometimes you even forgotten was the reason you were in the wheelchair.

Were you feeling something for him..? No way you wouldn't let yourself. You let out a small huff and felt eyes on you. You looked over to Tim he was looking at a tee shirt. You looked over your shoulder you couldn't see anyone starring at you..?

Drop it Tim might not take you out again if you keep it up. Tim won't be taking you out again. You'll be leaving him before then...

As you fallowed Tim around the store you remembered what happened when they caught you the gun that was pointed at you and the aggressiveness Tim showed while shoving you into the car. Not this time they would be dead. Dead people cannot chase there victims...

You wheeled yourself behind Tim as got to the cashier. You help best you could while loading stuff up. He payed for the things and you put some bags back into the cart before he took over and got it done quicker.

Tim noticed you attempting to help. He felt bad and guilty it must be awful not being able to do anything yourself. Poor girl..

Once you guys got out to the parking lot he actually handed you bags to put into the trunk. There was one bag still in the cart. It was your bag Tim requested the cashier put all your stuff in a separate bag so you could have it with out looking through 10 bags.

He took the bag out and handed it to you. He then went to go put the cart away. What he just left you there? Yes he did he thought maybe this way it would show he trusted you enough to be alone even if it's only for a minute.

You were still there when he came back. He was thankful he felt he could trust you slightly more now.

He opened your door and set you down on the seat. He let you close your own door this time he was letting you be more independent. Which totally went against what Brian has been saying. But it was so you would trust them more. He opens the back door and folded the chair he shoved the chair in the back seat.

We were driving for about 30 minutes before you felt sleepy. You decided you would take a nap it was already pretty late. You could just take a small one...

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