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You've just gotten a massive headache it hurt so much maybe headache was an understatement maybe it was a migraine. It definitely felt like one that for sure. You would call Brian up for some Advil latter though, right now you were reading the book you got.

It was a murder mystery book. You always liked theses kinda so books or shows. You missed watching tv and your phone at least with those you were never bored. But after the fifth time reading a book it dose get boring. Luckily this one was new.

You wanted to take a nap so bad right now... You were just going to take that nap when Brian and Tim walked in.

"(y/n) we have to leave again." Tim said. Why they were leaving again?! It's not that you wanted them to stay it's that your legs couldn't work and you couldn't walk.

"What again?!" You said loudly.

"Don't pull that stuff again." Brian said.

"I'm not doing anything I can't fucking walk I actually need you guys to do anything!" You snapped at him. And you where right you couldn't do anything they had to move you around everywhere and do everything for you.

"(y/n) were leaving tomorrow but we're bringing someone in. We'll still be here when they arrive." Tim said.

"What who?" You asked.

"A friend." Brian said.

You huffed and looked away. You didn't know them what if they tried something hopefully they wouldn't. What where they even doing why'd they have to leave.

"Where are you guys going anyway?" You asked.

"That's none of your concern." Brian said plainly.

"Well if you expect me to be living with you guys for however long it is you want me to stay here I think I should at least get to know that." You said to him. You were angry they did all this horrible stuff to you and could even answer one question.

"We'll tell you if things get worse." Tim said.

"Why not tell me now before things do get worse?"

"Because knowing of it makes it worse. So for now please stop asking things." Tim answered.

"Fine whatever."  You sighed out. Brian came over to the bed and picked you up. "Huh what are you doing?"

"We're going downstairs they should be here soon we need to make sure you two get along." Brian answered. You hummed. And he took you downstairs Tim fallowing close behind.

He set you down on the couch and sat right beside you real cozy and he held your hand. You didn't pull your hand away because you were kinda scared of him. But you really didn't like it.

It was about 20 minutes later when a person tried opening the door then knocked being as it was locked. Tim stood up and opened the door. Then walked in a man he looked pretty young maybe the same age as you. He was taller then Tim but shorter then Brian. He had messy short brown hair and brown eyes he had his mouth covered by a mask he also had orange goggles on top his head.

Tim backed away from the door and headed over to the couch. The man fallowing close behind. He stared at you looking at your legs. You assumed one of them told him about your broken legs.

"Toby this is (y/n)." Brian spoke up.

"H-hello (y/n).." He said quietly. He seemed to stumble on his words he also fidgeted with his fingers. A lot he seemed to always to be moving. Brian squeezed your hand lightly as if to tell you 'your turn'.

"Hi, Toby.." You said with hesitation. You didn't know the man but if he was a friend of them he was probably no good.. Though if he wasn't like them and didn't know about the stuff they'd done maybe just maybe he could help you get out of here. Or if he did know you could try to get some information about them.

"We'll be gone for a week.." Tim said. A week was a lot longer then two days. But there is someone watching you and your legs are broken. So you wouldn't be able to even try anything.

"And he'll be watching me?" You asked quietly. And Tim nodded in response.

This would be fine everything would be fine. They could leave for a week. You've gone a month without seeing them and they were still in the same house as you. You were somewhat worried though if this man was like them then he might also have bad anger issues. Like Tim when he first brought you here.

You would never forget anything they've done to you they were awful. You hated them all but you would not let your guard down. You would act all sweet and stab them in the back maybe not the first chance you got but you would definitely do it. If they left your mother out of this maybe they would be slightly forgivable. But no, she's gone now and it's everyone in this rooms fault... Well maybe not Toby's, but screw him!

The room was filled with the sound of Tim talking but you weren't paying any attention you've completely tuned them out. Your mother was not shot you would've heard it witch means Tim did it. Tim was the one who killed your mom with a crowbar. Which would take a lot of-

"(y/n)? Did you hear us?" Brian said to you.

"Huh? What no i'm sorry, could you please repeat?" You asked softly.

"We asked you if you'll be alright with Toby." Tim said.

"We don't seem to have any problems, so yeah, I think we'll be fine." You said In response.

"We'll be back in an hour." Brian said to Toby. And they left out the door. And Toby just kinda stared at you. It like you said he was always moving never seeming to stop. He had ticked. Like a clock.

"So they told m-me you were trying to s-sleep earlier." Toby stated.

"Oh yeah I was trying to."

"Would you l-like to sleep?"

"A little.." You offered a small smile to him. You couldn't tell if he smiled back because of his mask but he seemed friendly enough. He nodded and walked towards you to pick you up. It was kinda awkward since he didn't know how he was supposed to hold you but he got it eventually.

He set you down on the bed and just kinda awkwardly stared at your for a minute before leaving the room. You thought of ways you could get away maybe you could get your hands on his crowbar and surprise them all.

(i wrote the past couple chapters while camping sooooo i wouldn't have to worry to much about posting) (thank you all for the birthday wishes!!)

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