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I held Caitlyn in my arms as her legs gave out In grief. Jinx had just launched her rocket squarely at the Council Chambers. We were helpless as the rocket drove inescapably closer to the tower across the river in Piltover. We watched in shock. As it came to impact the building in smoke and the sound that followed a second after shook us to tremble and fall to our knees.

Caitlyn screamed out, "No!!!"

She turned to look away burying her face in my arm. But I couldn't remove my eyes from the scene. A moment later the smoke cleared but instead of just a gaping hole - as the tower's top crumbled to the ground - a ray of hope brighter than anything I've ever seen engulfed the top of the building in gold. Almost an orb and then it flashed away out of existence.

What was it? Was it just a secondary explosion? We were too far away to see anything in detail. I didn't say word. I thought maybe I just imagined it. Jinx had vanished.

"We have to get back there! We have to.." Caitlyn tried to stand but her body refused.  We sat there wailing for what seemed like hours, but it was in reality some of the longest minutes of my life.

I finally reached my arm under her knees picking Caitlyn up and carried her down the steps. She threw her head into my neck the whole time soaking everything I was wearing. I didn't mind. I was just so sorry. Speechless.

I set her down and sat beside her for a minute in silence. My arm around her. Then lightly grabbed her face as she had done mine before, "shhhh, it'll be ok, I've got you..." I whispered. I didn't let go until she returned my worried gaze.

She let out a few deep breaths and we determined we had to get back to Piltover as fast as we could. She had to and there was no way in Hell I was going to let her out of my sight. We had to save who was left. We needed to warn them of the threat from Jinx and save the innocent people of Zaun from her actions also. I couldn't bring myself to think of her as Powder anymore.

"We should see if the Firelights have a way we can move faster." I softly suggested.

She smirked just a little, "huh yeah, but I am not getting on that frightful thing they fly on." We let out a half ass chuckle.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now