My Heart

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I meant that with all my heart. We got to her home. Her dad had left a note 'waiting at the hospital for your mother.'

Caitlyn led me to the couch and we just fell into it. Drifting to sleep. She didn't let me go and I couldn't let her go that whole night.

'God I think I love her,' I thought...

A few months passed and there was little sign of Jinx. It was a relief but also troubling. Jayce had been to visit the Kiramman's often and he updated us on the council proceedings.

He tried to explain what Medarda had done that night but couldn't describe it in detail. "She's a mage," he said, "she must be, she must have shielded us in some way." We couldn't get the full picture from him but he was convinced even as she still lay unconscious in her hospital bed. Her mother had left recently and brought her home to Noxus.

Caitlyn's mother recovered to a wheelchair. They had saved her legs with some serious contraptions but she couldn't walk.  She actually welcomed me to their home and they set up a bedroom across from Cait's. It was surprising, but I was grateful and I really did feel at home with Caitlyn, even though it was a crazy luxurious home. And Jinx knew this home too, I had to stay. To be ready for her at any moment.

I admit I couldn't get enough of Caitlyn. Her smile, her ideas were phenomenal. Her entire person was like nothing that I had ever heard or seen before. She made me better in so many ways.

Also living together did cause my eyes to wonder more than a few times. We shared a bathroom down the hall and I'd often make excuses to need to be in there for something while she was. I don't even remember what for. I sneaked several peaks and she may have caught me once or twice. Her body, all of her, was just perfect.

Caitlyn had been forgiving that night after Jinx's attack and each day since but I was still feeling so much guilt. I couldn't forgive myself. I only ever let myself hold her hand or hug her. I couldn't do any more. I wasn't sure she wanted me to anyway. I followed her as she started to go back to work about a month after the attack. I rarely left her side. They quickly promoted her to captain. Jayce probably had a hand in that.

"As my first duty as captain I'm appointing myself a partner." She stated in a full room. I stood in the back a little shocked, 'oh ok then.' I thought 'that's smart... Damn it.'

She smiled and gestured to me. I froze... the others pushed me to the front and she grabbed my hand. "Vi you are officially an enforcer of Piltover." Passing me a badge and hat.

"Uh. Okay, but I'm not wearing that hat Captain." She rolled her eyes but gave up that fight fast.

I'm sitting here in her room playing with her top hat and smiling at the thought of working with her everyday. She came back in fresh out of the shower. I just stared and sat with a cheeky smile on my face.

"Hi there Cupcake."

She toweled her hair, "Vi would you stop calling me that?" "You know it's not very, professional." She said half laughing.

"Never, you're just too sweet."

She smiled a bit amused and sat on the bed next to me. Tapping my knee. Wait was she holding it? She looked ahead of her.

All on the floor was the case in front of us. There had been a lead on Jinx.

"Time to get to work." She stated quickly. We hurried out the door grabbing her gun and my gauntlets. Jayce had made some pretty kick ass improvements to both.

I still hadn't told her how I feel. It has been enough just being with her this much. And that's alright for me. But damn this is hard.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now