Face Off

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We made our way over to the training grounds. The other fighters were there and stood up when they saw Jinx - they knew who she was. They knew of her enhancements and abilities.

"Fellas come on I'm not armed." Jinx yelled to them.

I held my hand up. "It's ok, she's with us. She's here to help." I didn't really believe that.

"Well, I'm here to kick some ass, but yeah if that helps than it's a win win... who's first?"

"It would be my pleasure," Lee Sin stepped up into the ring.

"Well buddy I don't know if you could see me coming... but sure." Jinx chuckled.

Actually it wasn't a bad fight. Lee was able to force her into defense rather quickly. But he didn't know she was wicked fast, she was holding back. Suddenly she dashed around him kicking him in the back of the knee, Lee didn't have a chance to block and was thrown to the ground.

"Who's next?" Jinx gleaned her teeth.

"I'll do it for Demacia." Garen stepped up. He drove his massive sword into the dirt.

"Ya know you could keep that." Jinx shrugged. She stepped up and slammed her hand into his armor. "Ouch man you're tough aren't you?"

Garen moved swiftly throwing massive blows but many of them didn't land. He spun around quickly to try to take her off balance but she dashed away. She then picked up his sword and hurled it at him with such force throwing him to the ground.

"That was fun dude thanks." Jinx looked around and pointed to me.

"Let's do this." I grabbed my gauntlets and took one off. "A fair fight." I said.

"Sure sis..." she rolled her eyes.

We circled each other neither of us initializing the first blow at first. Then Jinx dashed right but quickly changed directions left, I was barely able to block her move with my gauntlet. Then she hit me square in the jaw and I quickly returned the favor with my bare hand. It was on.

She was really hard to track but I learned how to predict her moves in just a few minutes. Back and forth a punch to the gut then another. It was like fighting our old boxing machine. But she was far better this time. We moved fast. We landed a few blows to the face. I held some of my punches.

"Come on sis you said a fair fight... don't you hate me for what I've done?!" She yelled.

"I loathe you." I spat blood out of mouth.

"Then hit me!" She flew at me.

I grabbed her neck with my gauntlet. I wanted to crush her but I also wanted to love her. I just held her there for a moment. She wasn't scared. She wasn't angry. Just stared at me. I threw her down.

"We're done." I huffed and turned away.

"Maybe that's enough for today." Caitlyn led everyone else out. I just sat on the bench elbows on my knees. Jinx sat across from me yards away.

"I didn't think you had it in you... that was the look you gave me when Vander died. When I..." Jinx sighed. "I am sorry for that Vi."

I sighed, "that wasn't your fault Pow - I mean Jinx. You were just a kid... I shouldn't have-"

"Yes well there's no going back now. Only moving forward." Jinx stood up. "We are sisters after all."

I didn't look at her. Where was this wisdom coming from?

"Well Cupcake time to get to it. I'll see you all tomorrow at the test site. Sleep well!" Jinx leapt up and out of view.

Caitlyn came and lifted me up. "Are you ok?"

"Huh, yeah... let's just go home."

We sat up for a while discussing what other plans Caitlyn had figured out. Some reports came in from Ionia's and Noxus' magic users. They had figured out a stronger defense and one woman - actually Garen's sister - had a weapon she wielded her magic abilities thru that was incredible.

"Well it's a plus Jinx didn't kill us or herself today." Caitlyn had her head on my shoulder and patted me.

"Yeah that's something."

We felt a little bit of hope trickle in.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now