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It was weird and unsettling to see her and everything in her room in black and white - no color. She had always surrounded herself in vivid blues and pinks, bright neon paints. How was she living like this?

The staff came in under heavy guard to administer more anti-psychotics - as if those weren't enough they handed Caitlyn a sedative to use if needed - probably because Jinx had been enhanced and did have incredible strength. Jinx had a permanent IV port shoved in between her collarbone and shoulder.

I could hardly look at her just throwing a glance here and there mostly looking around her.

Caitlyn was right she had been working on things. Papers and notebooks filled with words and schematics stacked high on her desk.

"Thank you for seeing us." Caitlyn soon broke the silence.

"Sure ya Bit... I mean Sheriff." Jinx blurted out turning to look at us.

"We thought it was time to see you." Caitlyn said glancing over at me.

"What can I do for you then?" Jinx asked incredulously then stared at me ... "you going to say anything?... sis?" Jinx began to speak more fluidly.

"I - no." I couldn't really speak. I didn't want to set her off. I didn't want to apologize but seeing her like this was difficult. I never wanted to see this. I had just tried to forget.

"Well I've thought a lot about you. I've had time to think. A lot of time." Jinx stated confidently.  "But you know all about that, how it is being in prison. Don't you?" She was actually sincere then which I wasn't expecting. That had me look at her face.

She continued, "doc says it would help me find some closure if I talked to you honestly... I'm trying to be sorry for the things I've done to you. But you hurt me in so many ways... I wanted you to fight for me but you just left me in the worst times." She paused. "I'm finding it really hard to forgive you."

Her un-apology first made me cringe, I clenched my fist, but held it back because all I was feeling was remorse. I choked out. "I'm, I am so sorry Powder."

She sniffled back some tears. I didn't know she could still feel in that way. I thought my sister had been buried long ago. She took a deep breathe and then that maniacal smirk returned to her face.

"Apology accepted sis." Jinx spat out. Then turned to Caitlyn. "So why are you really here sweetheart?"

Caitlyn looked at her with a bit of disdain, "since you're clearly working on, well many things here, we wanted to see what you may have to offer."

"Oh, oh this is rich, you want my help Cupcake?!" She chuckled.

I snapped, "you can't call her that!"

"Geez sorry I thought that's what you liked... Anyways. Why not? I have some thoughts..." pointing to her table.

I was so irritated and still didn't - I won't trust her - she is however undeniably a genius...

She led us to a few schematics and paused. "What do I get for these?"

Caitlyn thought, "I can arrange for some color to be brought in, paints or whatever you'd like."

Jinx looked up, "hmm not bad, but I need one more thing."
"Violet writes to me in here." It wasn't a request.

I blinked, I had this sneaking pit in my stomach she was going to ask for something else. That's it?

"Um I'm not sure I'd have much to say..."

"Then I'm not sure I have much to share."
I thought for a minute. Caitlyn looked at me waiting with a bit of comfort.

"... Fine, ok I can try." I reluctantly gave in. We knew we'd need all the advantages we could get against our enemies. There had been whispers amongst some of the villagers in just the last 3 days, they kept calling a shadow 'the Void' and then acted crazy, mad even, spouting sentences that made absolutely no sense or just moaning without further words. No one knew what they meant.

"Alright then it's settled for now, let me know when you'd like something else sis. You know where to find me." Jinx laughed.

I shook my head and left. Caitlyn followed a moment later grabbing the schematics and some notes from Jinx's desk.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now