Can She Forgive Me?

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"Come on Cait maybe we can find another way to get home."

I reached for her hand and she hesitated slightly, probably flashing back to everything that has happened. Then she hopped up. We half walked half carried each other to the hide out tunnels.  Stood there in the dark and it was eerily silent. The whole time as we walked I thought, 'did I say home? I do feel at home with her.

Caitlyn cut the silence after a moment, "you just left me there, you left me in the street last night!"

I stared at her sweet betrayed eyes. I couldn't respond. I cared for her so much. I longed for her forgiveness.

"Did you mean it? Were you never coming back?" She interrogated me.

"No! ... Ca - Caitlyn... I," I weakly cried out. I stopped. Her face had new tears. But her stare was vivid. Her eyes swelled but didn't blink.

"Caitlyn I was trying to save you from me. Nothing ever good comes from being around me... and I wanted you to be safe. I thought you would be safe if you weren't with me. Damn it, I didn't want to hurt - I never want to hurt you!" I trailed off, "I'm - I am so sorry." I whispered. I paused again not sure if I could say anymore.

"Caitlyn I will never leave you again... If you'll let me."

I stepped closer to her and waited. How could she forgive me? She could have been killed. My family, my sister did this. I looked down and away. Now I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face. I couldn't lose her. Somehow in the short time we have known each other she's completely broken me.

She didn't say anything just stepped closer hand out to my face almost to slap me as I looked up. I closed my eyes and winced turning my head away. But she stopped and grabbed my cheek lightly wiping away a tear. I could see softness in her face and she blinked. She started, "Don't ever-"

A faint cracking sound had us whipping around trying to see in the dark. Thankfully it was one of the Firelights hiding in the shadows. He recognized us and yelled "Ekko!" Another ran off to fetch our friend. My heart skipped a beat, thinking it was Jinx.

Oh God he's alive too. A little relief filled me. And I grabbed Caitlin's hand as we followed him through the maze of tunnels. I couldn't get there now if I tried. Maybe he was walking us in circles. But finally Ekko met us at the gate.

"Vi!" he grabbed me tight then lifted his other arm to bring Caitlyn in to his tight embrace also. He let go and smiled.

"You're alive!" We both blurted out and for a moment everything was ok.

"I thought you were in the city. What are you doing here?"

I looked down.

"It's Jinx," Caitlyn spoke up for me and squeezed my hand again. "She sent that rocket off at the tower. We have to get back there quickly. Can you help us? We're slow on our feet."

Ekko thought about our condition. He said he might have a friend who could help and hurried away. Another Firelight brought us to a table setting tea and sugar in front of us.

Caitlin and I both just held our cups tight feeling the warmth push away some of the trauma and shock of the last hour.

"Here have some sugar Cupcake." I joked and tossed a scoop into her cup. Just giving her a slight smirk. She tried to return the look of hope on her lips but fell short staring into her cup.

"Dear girls you must be in shock are you alright?!" Professor Heimerdinger spoke up hustling our way.

"Professor?! Wh-what are you doing here?" Caitlyn shot out.

"I came to help the Undercity and found Ekko... We've been trying to come up with a plan for you. I think I could convince an air ship to leave port tonight then you could board back to Piltover quickly."

"You should leave now." Ekko chimed.

He pulled me in for a hug and stayed behind.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now