Caitlyn's Flashback

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I stormed out of the room and just collapsed against a cold wall. Was this really all happening?

Caitlyn came to be with me. We both were just shocked. Why? Why would she be our best option? Why did she have to be my sister? Why was this other world now out to get us?

"This is bullshit." I said softly.

"I know." Caitlyn held my head against her chest for a moment while I shed some tears. This threatened to break me.

"Vi, I've never told this to anyone... She started, then sat beside me.

"When I was younger I was faced with two terrible choices. I decided to go hunting alone one day. I was pissed at my mother for something and just took my rifle and left. My head was in a terrible place and all I wanted to do was kill something...

I found my mark, a young deer, and got ready to line up my target but something moved behind me. I didn't see anything at first so I tried to focus back on the deer. Then a man called out to me...

He advanced my way, drunker than anyone I had seen before then. He wanted to take advantage of me and I was still a lot smaller than him. I kicked him off initially but he started to overcome me. I had a choice. Kill him or maim him enough so I could escape... it all happened in slow motion. I aimed for his head, but something stopped me..."

"Grayson's voice, my mentor at the time, repeated in my head, 'what are you shooting for young Kirraman?'" I lowered to his hand coming toward me and blew it clear off. Ran home and never looked back or told anyone..."

"What I'm saying is sometimes there's never a good choice. Vi, sometimes your back is to the wall and you have to decide what will save you or haunt you forever."

We sat there for a little while crying. Neither of us wanting to make the choices that we knew we would have to.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now