The Void Approaches

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We stayed up through the night making final preparations. Jinx was doing better but still in a daze - she'd stare off ever so often. She instructed Singed and Viktor on new weaponry she had developed. Even brought a new gun to Caitlyn who tested a few rounds. She utilized Hextech in every weapon - no one asked where she had gotten it.

Caitlyn's new riffle fired piercing rounds that exploded into a violent lightening storm on impact. It did fire more slowly but the blast radius was a few yards that damaged units in each direction.

She had tinkered with my gauntlets in the next few hours. They now had a stunning effecting once charged. They threw a jolt into whatever they contacted every 5 or so blows. She also upgraded the shield or maybe I had - it still wasn't clear if hextech was learning from us or us from it. There was something to it though and we didn't question it.

Viktor equipped his lasers to his back and suited his full armor. Singed strapped on some strange tank to his back, it looked overly heavy but he picked it up with ease. He strapped a respirator to his face and showed us to ours. He warned this should knock out whatever it came in contact with but it wasn't totally lethal.

"Ready Cupcake?" I took Caitlyn to the side.

"The anticipation is terrible, Vi." Caitlyn looked at me with these desperate eyes, "Vi - I"

"I know. I love you with all my heart Cait. We will get through this together. Okay?"

"Violet, I can't. I won't leave you. Whatever happens. I love you. I always will love you!" She wrapped her arms around me for an long breathless kiss. We lingered a little longer holding our embrace.

"Ready." She half whispered.

We all stood at the northern border of Piltover. Artillery with shocking rounds stood ready. Ambessa led the infantry units, Jayce the hextech weapons and Mel the magic users. I held the line with our tankiest brawlers, and Caitlyn had our back from above and behind us with her marksmen. We were apart but together. I glanced back at her and she nodded.

We could see the shadow creeping toward us at dawn.

Jinx, Ekko, Heimerdinger and the rest of the Firelights weren't in view now. Caitlyn said it was best if we don't know what they were up to. 'Need to know,' and need to keep it from the Mother's knowledge if it came to that. I'm not sure she even knew what they would be doing exactly. Our hearts thumped loudly in our chest and ears. Something massive was starting to shake the ground in the distance as it marched our way.

Caitlyn & Vi: The Void to Fill (an Arcane Season 2 Story)Where stories live. Discover now