Chapter 6...

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"We are not swimming with sharks."

"Babe it would be so fun."

"Don't 'babe' me. Not gonna happen."

Biting into a french fry I watched Wyatt try to convince Josie to go swim with sharks. I could pipe up and tell him it was useless trying to get her to do it, seeing as she was deathly afraid of sharks, but watching him practically beg was entertaining.

"But it's completely safe. You are in a cage and they can't get you." Wyatt continued. Everyone else sat around the table, eating and watching the two go back and forth. A look from everyone said they were on Josie's side with this one. Getting in a cage to swim with sharks was not really any of our ideas of fun.

"Have you never seen the videos on the internet? The sharks can still get their faces in the cage!"

"Think he knows Josie will win this one?" Bryton leaned over to whisper.

"Give it another minute and he will." I whispered back, shoving another fry in my mouth.

"Babe let's give it a try." Wyatt started again only for Josie to pin him to his seat with a look.

"If you want any chance of getting some this vacation you will shut that pretty mouth of yours and forget about swimming with sharks. Got it?"

Everyone stifled their laughter at the way Josie practically scolded Wyatt. Withholding sex from a man was a definite way to get him to agree to something or forget it. Wyatt looked like she had just kicked a puppy as he leaned back with a huff.

"I would have gone with you." Trevor choose that moment to pip up. All eyes snapped to him, Josie's narrowing.

"Nice going." I muttered under my breath as I kicked him under the table. If Josie could kill someone with a glare Trevor would be six feet under.

"Hey that will-"

"Don't even." Josie held up her hand silencing her boyfriend.

A sharp pain in my shin had me jerking in my seat. Glaring at the only person who would kick me, I met Trevor's gaze. His green eyes sparkling in amusement.

"What was that for?"

"Payback." He shrugged, taking a huge bite of his hamburger.

"I didn't even kick you that hard." I shot back. He sent me a look that said 'and?'. "I can kick you somewhere higher if you prefer." I plastered a fake smile on my face, making my voice sweeter.

"If you wanted to touch my dick all you have to do is ask." Trevor's words making me choked on my drink. The idiot having waited until I took a sip to say something in return.

"Tash you okay?" Sydni on my other side asked, softly patting me on the back as I tried to get air in my lungs. Everyone looked at me while Trevor had a smug smile on his face.

"Wrong tube." I choked out, my coughing dying down. When everyone went back to their conversation and food I sent Trevor a glare.

"Better watch your back." My comment just made him grin wider.

"Look forward to it." His smirk had me rolling my eyes. I swear he gets more annoying every time I see him.

"Now that shark are out." Josie glaring at her boyfriend. "What else do we want to do while we are here?"

"I saw a flyer about snorkeling when we were checking in. That could be fun." Sydni suggested.

"Oh yes let's do that." I seconded her idea. The water was so clear it would be perfect to go snorkeling.

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