Chapter 18....

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*From here are on there will be mature scenes! If you do not like smut then I would skip the rest. I won't be putting anymore warnings. There will also be no mention of birth control or condoms in this story. They are practicing safe sex, as should everyone, and there won't be any babies in this story. So just imagine they've used some sort of protection. I just won't be mentioning it.

Happy Reading! 

This time when I woke up it was to no phone ringing or alarms. Instead it was quiet which was slightly odd considering my apartment was right next to a busy road. It took a moment to remember what happened earlier. The phone call from my mom, driving all the way to Trevor's apartment, our kiss in the rain.

Sitting up I looked around only to find the bedroom empty. The spot next to me still a little warm so Trevor must not have left too long ago.

Unsure of the time I quietly slipped out of bed, although I could have stayed in it for days. The dude had the comfiest bed I've ever slept on. After a quick use of the bathroom I left Trevor's room.

It was still pretty dark and I could hear the patter of rain against the roof and windows. It couldn't have been any later than four in the afternoon though.

Coming out of the bedroom my snooping mood came back in full force. With Trevor no where to be seen I finally let myself look around his place since I didn't when I came in earlier. Trevor living in an actual house was so surprising. Most people our age lived in apartments since it was a tad bit cheaper and easier to take care of.

The place was super cute though. On the small side but perfect for two people. All one level with at least two bedrooms. I was too busy oogling Trevor to notice the living room when I walked in. I wasn't sure if Trevor decorated the place himself but the furniture and everything fit perfectly. And was super clean.

The sound of pans clinking together drew my attention towards an archway off to the side of the living room. Following the sounds I found myself walking into a super nice kitchen. A huge island sat right in the middle with barstools on one side.

Immediately my eyes were drawn to the figure leaning over the stove. Still dressed in just a pair of grey sweatpants and no shirt, Trevor stirred whatever he had on the stove oblivious that I was behind him.

The corner of my lip tilted up as I leaned against the wall watching him. Damn, the sight of a shirtless man in the kitchen was enough to make any girl swoon. But seeing a muscular back with tattoos was a whole other thing. All I wanted to do was run my nails down that back and see what was under those sweatpants. Trevor was definitely in great shape thanks to hockey.

I could get use to seeing that view.

The thought came out of nowhere, surprising me. But what was more shocking is the thought didn't scare me.

"What are you making?" I asked a moment later. At the sound of my voice Trevor jumped, whirling around with a spatula in his hand. He had it raised as if to defend himself.

"If I was an intruder you'd be dead." I raised an eyebrow at him, crossing my arms.

"I'll have you know I am quite skilled with a spatula." I know he was trying to sound intimidating but it only just made me grin.

"Yeah okay." Pushing off the wall I walked further into the kitchen, going around the island. "Is that...eggs?"

"Thought you'd be hungry." Reaching up Trevor rubbed the side of his neck, looking almost...embarrassed.

"I am." The thought beyond sweet.

"Take a seat M'lady." With a fake British accent Trevor gestured to the barstools.

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