Chapter 26...

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Both of our heads snapped to the side. Mateo stood in the doorway with wide eyes as he glanced back and forth between Trevor and I. The three of us just stared at one another not saying a word.

"You do realize the germs in here right?" Mateo broke the silence. If I wasn't so caught off guard I would have laughed.

I looked over at Trevor unsure what to say. I think us being a secret was now blown.

"Well this is awkward." Mateo rolled back and forth on the balls of his feet. "I think I'm just gonna..." He pointed over his shoulder. He looked at us with a smirk before shutting the door.

"How much do you wanna bet he's off telling everyone right now." Trevor commented. I dropped my forehead on his chest with a sigh. It wasn't the worst thing if every knew, it just wasn't the way I wanted everyone to find out.

"I mean it's not the worst thing." Trevor whispered, his hands softly rubbing my sides. "Now I can touch you without worrying someone will see."

That's true. We wouldn't have to keep our distance from one another. Which seemed like an impossible task.

Josie's words from the car popped into my head. I didn't want Trevor seeing or talking to some other girl. The thought alone felt like someone was stabbing my chest. Before we went out there to all of our friends I needed to know one thing.

Pulling back so I could see his face I steeled myself for what I was about to say. This could very well be the moment that changes everything between us. He can either say yes or no and that's the end.

"Trevor I..." I struggled to say the words. What the hell was wrong with me? I don't struggle with words or going for what I want. When I want something I go for it without second guessing myself. Yet here, in front of Trevor, I was scared to say what I wanted. He made me into a blushing school girl.

Trevor patiently waited for me to continue. His hands never once stopping their movement against my skin.

Tasha. Woman up and do it.

"Before we go out there I need to know something." I stared up into the face that I've come to fall for. "What we are doing isn't just a...fling. Right?"

"A fling?"

"Yeah like are we exclusive?" My heart was pounding in my chest as I spoke. "I just don't want to go out there and tell our friends if this is just a few weeks type of thing." Yep, now I was rambling.

"Tasha." Trevor's hands left my hips and came up to cup the sides of my face. A small smile playing on his lips. "You really have no idea what you do to me, do you?"

My hands moved to grip the front of his shirt as he continued on staring into my eyes.

"This is not a fling. Not to me." My heart soared at his words. This wasn't a fling to me either. "I'm only going to say this once, and I'm sorry if I come off as a possessive douchebag."

His grip on my face tightened just a little. Using his thumbs under my jaw he titled my head back, leaning down further so he was towering over me more than he was before.

"You are mine Tasha. No other guy gets to look at you. Talk to you. Touch you. Is that understood?"

Those words did something to my insides. The words themselves were beyond possessive and demanding but not in a 'I own you' type of way. Trevor was staking his claim and fuck did it not make me want him even more.

I liked the sound of being his and only his.

"Sunshine." His voice pulled me back from thoughts. "Understood?"

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