Chapter 27....

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Game day.

This isn't my first hockey game but its my first going as Trevor's girlfriend. that sounded weird yet natural. Trevor Hall's girlfriend. It did have a nice ring to it.

When we got back to Trevor's place after the BBQ, the two of us laid in bed together, still a bit confused at the whole bbq thing. Neither of us were expecting that kind of reaction. I was glad no one was angry about it and they all seemed on board.

We had been laying there for a good thirty minutes, Trevor running his hands down my back, before he spoke those four simple words.

"Be my girlfriend."

He had said it so casually it had taken me a minute to realize he was being serious. When I glanced up at him he was already looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Be mine."

"As in?" It was like my brain couldn't comprehend him wanting to be with me.

"As in be mine. Officially." His hands never once stopped moving against my back. The thought of being his girlfriend officially made my heart flutter. It also meant that this was more than just sex. It has been more than just sex for me for awhile.

"Does that mean I get to call you my boyfriend?" The possessive part of me wanted him to be mine so no other woman could try and claim him as theirs.

"Yes. I'll even get 'Tasha Davis's boyfriend', tattooed on my forehead." Laughing I nodded.


"So is that a yes?"

"Promise to make me food all the time?" Trevor's grin widened at my words.

"Of course."

"Then you got yourself a deal." I mirrored his smile before he captured my lips with his, sealing the deal.

Just thinking back to last night made me grin like an idiot. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately, thanks to a certain someone. I was glad he decided to ask me when we were alone, instead of in front of our friends like he previously planned. It was a moment meant for just the two of us.

"Okay why am I so nervous." I played with the hem of the jersey I was wearing. Josie and Sydni laughed beside me as the three of us waited to go through security. Up ahead the arena sat lit up, ready for hundreds of fans to go inside.

The place was packed with fans. Everyone we passed were dressed in the Toronto Knights team colors. A good chunk even had their faces painted. Waiting in line we were surrounded by people with Boone, Hall and Young jersey's. Its moments like this that remind me just how popular the guys are. Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton were the faces of the team, they weren't just some random players.

"Don't worry it gets easier." Josie patted my arm, sending me a reassuring smile. I'm not the one playing but I feel like my hearts going to burst free from my chest.

When I left Trevor's earlier so he could get ready he was cool and collected. He seriously didn't seem fazed at all. And then there was me internally freaking out for him. It was the first game of the season. First time the Knights would be back since winning The Cup Championship.

I can't even imagine the pressure they had on their shoulders right now. Having won it all they are expected to be just as good this season and win again. I had faith they could do it again but that still didn't mean I wasn't nervous that they wouldn't do well.

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