Chapter 30....

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"What are you going to say to your parents tonight?"

I sighed over the phone at Josie's words. I had absolutely no clue what I was going to say to my parents when I see them. I've been ignoring all their calls the past week or so since the pictures of Trevor and I came out.

They've been calling me every other day. More than they've ever called me before but I wasn't picking up. Not when I know what they are going to say. I know I won't be able to avoid them tonight at the Gala but I was going to try my damn hardest not to be around them as much as I can.

The thing is I know exactly what they are going to say when I see them. And I know they'll somehow try and guilt me into doing what they want. It's not going to happen this time.

I'm not going to be some pawn for them to use to help their company. They've gone too far this time.

The only good thing to come out of this is Trevor. Because of my mother's phone call that day I stopped being scared and went after Trevor. At least I got Trevor out of all of this. That's the only thing I can thank my parents for.

"I honestly don't know." I replied. I still had a few hours to figure that out.

"Don't let them get to you. You owe them nothing." Josie said fiercely through the phone. "Want me to come? I can be ready in an hour."

Even though she couldn't see me I was smiling. If I said yes she would drop everything and come to the gala with me. And as much as I would love her company tonight I wasn't going to make her go. Not after how rude my parents were.

Plus Wyatt was set to come home tonight after the team has been gone all week for games. They were going to be locked inside their apartment all weekend.

"I'll be okay. Trevor will be there."

The only reason I was okay with going tonight was having Trevor at my side. When I finally got the nerve to ask him if he wanted to come with me last week, he didn't even hesitate. I did try to tell him he didn't have to but wouldn't hear a word of it. He all but declared he was coming with me and staying by my side the entire night.

I was relieved that he was coming with me. I wasn't sure I could make it through tonight without him.

"He's going to make it in time, right?"

"I hope so." I worried my lip between my teeth. The team was flying in, currently in the air as we speak, but he was going to be cutting it close for sure.

"Don't worry he'll be there." Josie assured me. I won't lie I'm a bit nervous that he won't make it tonight and I'll have to endure the night alone. Being in a room full of people who would stab you in the back at any chance is not all that fun. Talking to someone and when you turn around you just know they are talking about you.

I did warn Trevor about tonight. Warned him of the type of people he was going to have to interact with. I also had to warn him of the type of person I'll be tonight. I've learned over the years you have to act a certain way around these people or else you'll be picked apart.

I just wanted him to be prepared. Even if he assured me none of it would drive him away.

"I still can't believe two of my best friends are in love." Josie swooned. "I knew the moment you two met this would happen."

"No you didn't." I laughed, moving towards my bathroom to get started on getting ready.

"Uh yes I did. I even told Wyatt when we first met you and Trevor would be good together."

When I first met Trevor I never once thought I'd be in love with the hot hunky hockey player. Obviously there was an attraction there but I hadn't allowed myself to even think of anything further than that. Now here we are. Spending almost every waking second together and in love.

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