Chapter 11

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Your POV

"YO! YO! Dude, that was awesome!" Brad said, he and Chip doing a little fistbump. "And who are they?" The redhead asks, now turned to us.

"This is Timmy and (Y/N) Turner." Chip introduced us.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Timmy said as the boys shook hands.

"Likewise." Brad replied before moving onto me.

"Hi, I'm Brad. Brad Cuspidor." He introduced himself. I held out my hand to shake his, only for him to place a kiss on top of it instead. The action taking me a off guard, unable to reply or take any other form of action. "U-uh, h-hello."

A short and somewhat akward silence fell.

"Hey Brad, I was gonna show them around the set." Chip said breaking the akward atmosphere, guiding me and Timmy away from the show host.
"Alright, see you guys later!" He said, giving us a gun sign. Although he seemed to be looking straight at me.

"What was that about?" Timmy asked me confused.

'Oh Timmy, sometimes you are a too gullible for this world...' I thoughed

"Nothing important. Right Chip?" I asked the black-haired teen beside me.
But he didn't reply and seemed to be consumed by his thoughts in his own little world. "Chip?" I asked again.

"Uh-yeah. You're right. Nothing important." He replied, lauging a little embarressed.

At the end of the studio tour, Timmy looked down at his 'Cosmo' wrist watch.
"Gosh, I gotta go. I promised A.J. and Chester to hang out and play video games. You coming too (Y/N)?"

"Uh..." She stated, noticing how Chip's expression deflated in the corner of her eye.

"Well... You know what, you can go ahead. Make it a guys night only or something." I suggested.

Timmy stayed silent for a moment in thought. "Cool! I guess I'll see you later. Bye guys!" He stated in excitement, before heading off to the exit. I waved until I could no longer see him.

"You're awesome..." I heard Chip say beside me. The statement leaving my cheeks apple red. "W-What?" I questioned flustered.

He suddenly seemed to realise what he had said, getting a little nervous. "Uh, I-I mean, you seem like an awesome sister to have. You and Timmy having each others backs but still giving one another space to do the things you like to do. I wouldn't know, I don't have any siblings."

"I guess so, but I can assure you. Being siblings isn't always as easy as I make it seem." I said confidently.

The two of us bursting out in laughter.
"How about I take you out for snow cones?" Chip suggested when getting his laughter under control.

"A-are you sure? I don't wanna be a burden?" I said shyly. Why did this guy have that effect on me?!

"Yeah, I'll be my treat. But I gotta go change first. See by the exit in 10 minutes?" He suggested with a wink, before walking away.

Did that just really happen? Or was it my imagination? Was it just doing something fun as friends ... or perhaps something more?

Gosh, I'm getting way ahead of myself.
Besides, I'm not anything special. I'm sure there are way richer or prettier girls out there that Chip would fancy...

I sat down on one of the boxes with music equiptment, putting in my earbuds before pressing play. Softly bobbing my head along the beat.

It had only been a few minutes before I felt someone's presents around me. I looked up to not Chip, but Brad instead.
"Hey, what are you doing here all by yourself?" He questioned, taking a seat beside me.

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now