Chapter 15

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Your POV

We all ran off stage for a moment.

Timmy wanting to do the same when he ran into a still tied-up Trixie Tang. Not too far from us. The girl looked fuming.

"Is there any chance you could forgive me for having Chip upstage you?" I heard Timmy question nervously.

"Not on my watch." She said annoyed, getting up and hopping off stage to who knows where.

I rolled my eyes ever so slightly.

"What you looking at?" I heard someone asked behind me. I turned to find Chip holfing two bottles of water in his hands. Holding out one to me.

"Oh, nothing important really." I assured him. I hope Timmy would realize at some point that Trixie was the kind of girl that only thoughed about herself.

"You did great out there." I smiled, taking a sip. Chip chuckled, "So did you!"

"Chip! Chip! Chip!" We heard the crowd call out.

"Well, your fans our waiting for you." I smiled, rubbing my upper arm. A little sad that he had to leave.

"You're right, but first..." He commented.

I looked up at him somewhat confused.
Only to feel him plant a kiss on my cheek. Well, more like just beside my lips, since I suddenly turned to look at him.

My face on the other hand felt like it was on fire. "I-I... w-wha... I-... you-..." I stammered, flustered from the little gesture.

"See ya later!" He said quickly with a smile, before running up on stage. I however failed to notice his own cheeks were a tint darker too.

The fans cheered loudly as Chip did a stage dive, carrying him out.

--- Time Skip ----

Third POV

Brad Cuspidor and some people from the camera crew stood outside, watching as a bunch of fans carried the teen singing sensation out the building and down the street.

"You saw it here, folks!" He said to the audiance watching from home, "The rise, then fall, then pizza delivery, then rise again of Chip Skylark!" The host said, following the mob of people down the street.

Timmy and (Y/N), along with Cosmo and Wanda in dog form, were now outside aswell. The pack of fans slowly growing closer and closer away from the school.

"Well, I lost the part, lost the girl and lost my voice. What else is there left to lose?" Timmy questioned.

"Not much I guess." (Y/N) replied to that.
"But I guess there's only one way to find out..."

The teen glancing at Comso and Wanda. A poof creating a giant T.V. in front of them.

Timmy zapping the remote.
Who knew what would happen?

However, (Y/N)'s mind drifted off again. Her fingers caressed her cheek. More specifically where Chip had placed a kiss.

Her cheeks growing warm just thinking of the memories.

She now knew for sure.

She had fall for him. Fallen hard in fact. But not only for his charming looks, but for his fun-loving character.

But the bigger question was...

Could he ever get feelings for her?

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Where stories live. Discover now