Chapter 18

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Your POV

A scream escaping my lungs as I grew closer to the ground below. Luckely for me, I was able to land on my feet before I ended up falling on my bum.

"You alright, (Y/N)?" Timmy asked worried, rushing over to my side.

"Yeah..." I reassured him while getting up. "Okay, so cake, balloons, moonbounce... all gonzo!"
Thinking that was all of it, but we were wrong. So wrong. A clown honk from down the street caught our attention. A whole truck of them along with acrobats on the trapeze.

"Party entertainment? This looks like a job for... Detour Man!" Timmy said, wripping of his clothes to reveal his superhero costume underneath. He jumped up, only for belly flop back onto the sidewalk.

"You know you can't fly. Right?" I commented. "Yeah, I figure." My litte brother replied.

As the truck got closer, we got to work. Placing a punch of boards and signs on the road. The driver shrugged his shoulders and turned into the sidestreet.

"My work here is done." Timmy said, standing in a hero pose. "Detour Man, away!" He yelled, yet again jumping up but falling back down again.

"You still can't fly/Still can't fly." I reminded him while nd Timmy groaned at the same time. I helped him up before we made our way back to the house.

Third POV

--- At Crocker's house ---

The garage door opened, at militairy tank driving out of it. Crocker popping his head out if it. "At last! I repaired the garage, and it's the perfect time to launch my SECRET BIRTHDAY FAIRY ATTACK! HAHAHA" He shouted.
He pressed a button on his dashboard. The little screen turning to 'Ice Cream'.
And so, the tank was now disguided in an ice cream truck, even his costume had.

Crocker eagerly stepped on the gas peddle, rushing out the driveway. Only for him to ride straight into the circus truck from earlier. He was thrown out of his van. All the circus entertainers fell down first before eventually did too.

However, they formed a piramid. Crocker at very top sitting down on the male acrobat's feet. "Thanks for breaking my faAAAALLLL!!!" He thanked the man, only to be flipped around instead.

--- Back with Timmy and (Y/N) ---

Your POV

"I can't believe it worked so far." I said stunned. "We will never lose our fairies!" We both said with determination.

But yet again, that was stopped when we heard the honk of a clownhorn. A clown on a unicycle passing us by holding a pole in his hands for balance.

"Not another one." I growled annoyed.

"Hey, wait!" Timmy yelled, running after him. Me doing the same. "You there, hold up!"

The clown turning around, slowing down until he came to a stop. "Come on, kids. What do you guys want, 'cause I'm late for the Turner party."

"Exactly why we stopped you. We wanted to let you know that the Turner party has been moved to this location." Timmy explained while scribbling down a 'new' address on a piece of paper, showing it to me before handing it over to the clown. "Yeah, and be sure to go heavy on the seltzer."

Once he was out of earshot Timmy and I could barely contain our laughter. Just imagine the look on Crocker's face!

Third POV

A Girl and A Teen Singing Sensation (Chip Skylark x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora