Chapter 4

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Draco realized he'd wanted to kiss Hermione since the Yule Ball. He remembered that evening as though it were yesterday. All night he'd watched her dance with Krum. He'd admired the way her dress showed off her small waist...observed the way she'd tilted her head when she laughed. He'd longed to dance with her, to run his hands through the cascade of curls that fell around her shoulders. Seeing Krum so close to her had made him feel ill, like he'd been hit by a horrible curse that had rendered him speechless. And then without knowing what he was doing, he'd followed her out of the Great Hall, transfixed...determined to find a way to approach her...but it had all gone terribly wrong.

And now she was in his arms. Draco buried his face into Hermione's neck. He breathed her in, letting her sweet, intoxicating scent wash over him. A small part of him was triumphant when his father had told him about the mission. It would be a chance to get close to Granger, even if it meant she would only hate him in the end...

Draco pulled Hermione tighter against him. His hands worked their way into her hair, his lips traveled down her neck, then he lightly tugged at her blouse to kiss her shoulder.

Hermione felt lightheaded. Of course she knew this might happen...getting involved was the quickest way to complete her mission.

But she hadn't expected Malfoy to make a move so soon. And it wasn't so much the kiss that surprised her. It was the way Malfoy held her...gentle and at the same time impatient, cautious but at the same time bold. He lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, then he carried her to the window seat behind them.

Hermione tilted her head back to watch as he took her hand and kissed her wrist.

In between kisses Draco stole glances at her, brushed his hand against the smooth skin of her cheek, and traced the outline of her lips.

He was holding her as if she was something delicate, breakable. As if he wanted to keep her safe...savoring every second, knowing that she might soon come to her senses and curse him into oblivion.

Draco's lips found hers again and he kissed her more urgently. 

Hermione closed her eyes. She had expected to feel have the upper feel detached. Now she found she didn't want to pull away. No one had ever kissed her like this before. Krum's kisses had been clumsy and awkward, his caresses too rough and unskilled. But Malfoy knew exactly what he was doing, and she no longer trusted herself around him.

"I think we should slow down," Hermione gasped, breaking away from him.

Malfoy rested his forehead against hers. "If you say so," he whispered. Then, to Hermione's surprise, he laughed.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"Nothing," he said. "Just that I see why you want to take things slow." He winked at her and placed his hand under her chin. "I can tell you're relatively new at this sort of thing."

Hermione turned bright red. "Excuse me?"

"I can tell Krum wasn't a very thorough teacher. But don't worry, I'll better the instruction."

He leaned in to kiss her again, but Hermione slapped him, hard.

Draco stumbled backwards. "What was that for?!" 

"Krum was an excellent kisser! Much better than you!" Hermione lied. "And don't flatter yourself, I don't need a teacher."

Draco's eyes flashed with anger. Hermione made for the door to the Astronomy classroom, then paused. "You're not the first person to take me out flying, Malfoy. And after tonight it's clear you bought your way onto the Slytherin team. Krum had real talent. I doubt you'll play on any team after Hogwarts."

Draco's face paled and before he could think of a response, she turned the handle to the Astronomy classroom and stormed off.

How dare he?! The bastard! And to think she'd actually enjoyed kissing him! And that routine! How many other girls had he taken out flying? 

Hermione shook her head. Malfoy had to work much harder than that if he hoped to get anywhere near her again.


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