Chapter 14

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Shadows, whispers, movement...

She knew they were there, but they moved too fast for her to see them.

Hermione felt something brush against her skirt. She whipped around and heard the ring of distant laughter.

"La bruja es muy ágil..."

"I can hear you!" she shouted into the darkness.

She had made it to the highest floor of the palace. She'd walked through empty rooms and half-lit passages but they'd remain hidden all the while, challenging her...

Hermione raised her wand. "Hello?" she called out into the darkness.

"La azotea, voz llevadla."

She shrieked as one of the vampires seized her waist.

They shot forward at top speed, the walls on either side of them a blur. A door flung open of its own accord and they soared up a spiral staircase.

Hermione felt a rush of wind...they were on the rooftop now.

"Put me down!"

The vampire dug his nails into Hermione's skin before releasing her. She landed haphazardly on the ground, struggling to find her balance.

The vampire laughed and walked away from her, moving past a large well.

Hermione froze. It was the same well she'd seen in her dreams all those months ago...

She looked around for Harry, but there was no sign of him.

Hermione observed the mountains that stretched across the horizon.

The peaks and valleys of the sierra resembled the body of a woman lying asleep...but she looked like she might rise at any moment...

Hermione heard the door slam and whipped around. A group of masked figures surrounded her. They pulled on her skirt, her hair, laughing into her ear.

She looked up.

More of them were arriving.

A flurry of figures were flying across the night sky, heading straight for the roof.

Hermione stepped back as the vampires landed in a swirling mass of black.

They were all wearing feathered masks, silks, and luxurious furs.

A female vampire stepped towards her. She was dressed in garish colors of yellow and orange, and she wore an extravagant Venetian mask.

"Esta es la famosa inglesa?" the vampire said disdainfully, looking Hermione up and down. "Parece una niña, una niña bastante delicada..."

She reached for her neck.

"Play nice Magdalena," said a voice.

A man emerged from the shadows.

The other vampires turned to look at him.

"My coven does not associate with many witches, Ms. Granger. I hope you will forgive their childish antics."

The man removed his mask. Hermione gasped.

He had dark hair that fell in waves, deep set eyes, skin like marble, and lustrous, golden eyes that seemed to see right through her. He was dressed in a silk waistcoat, narrowly fitted trousers, and an elegant silk cravat. The high collar of his coat skimmed his jaw as he spoke.

"My name is Sebastián Arévalo. I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

Hermione tipped her head. "The pleasure is all mine."

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